15 minutes a day to change your life!
A sustainably strong, fit and healthy body is the holy grail. What percentage of the population will regularly attend a gym week after week for the entirety of their physical life? I'm afraid to even write it down, so I will say the number is low. Hold back your anger towards me until after these statements are fully explained. It is relatively easy to lose weight. It is not difficult to get fit and strong, along with adding a bit of extra muscle. The real problem is sustaining the gains (or losses) If you cut half of your calories for a month, you will without a doubt lose bodyfat. If you get regular gym resistance training into your week for a 12 week period, you will definitely get stronger and add some muscle. So with a bit of effort, the short term benefits are something you have all experienced. WINNING! right? BUT what If you cannot sustain the gains, is it truly success? The target today is physical gym habits: I really want to make this a simple message, so listen up. Let...