
Showing posts from September, 2020

The best gym tips you will ever get!

 My career is not about counting reps for people, being an accountability boot camp leader for lazy exercisers, or making people jump around like mindless monkeys. I truly want to be the guy that is known for giving really great advice, insightful knowledge, producing comedic memorable analogies, and allowing people to understand enough about the human body- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to have a worthwhile human experience on earth. Seeing results that can last a lifetime are the success stories I wish to help produce, and they are the only ones that get put up on our advertising case studies. I am going to give you a list today of the best tips I think will stir you to check your current systems, beliefs, deficits, and promote a few more habits in the gym you may wish to consider. #1 Get posture pictures taken! This is so valuable, I cannot state it enough. If you have sub-optimal posture, then you will always be chasing pain, imbalances, and compensations.  Gett

Shut up and listen!

  It's mostly bullshit!! The thoughts that ruminate inside your head most of the time are lies. You get told what to eat, how to exercise, what will kill you, how you should live, and what society expects of you. Whether from good intentions or not, you follow along blindly. You have 70,000 thoughts daily. It takes some real concerted effort to be the master of your own domain.  Let me start with some lines from a favourite movie of mine, "The peaceful warrior". "There's never nothing going on". "Pay attention to everything". To truly pay attention to everything, you would have to be in control of your conscious, subconscious, superconscious and supra conscious. (Sorry to throw that idea at you. That can be another discussion) We have a super computer inside of our heads. We are infants in a holistic machine that has infinite possibilities. No wonder we have trouble being human. It's like being put in a formula 1 racecar and expected to underst

Get good at ugly

  So, you are in pain again? If you haven't studied my last 20 blogs, then I would suggest you make the time. The theme this week is how to truly understand what HOLISTIC means when it comes to movement. You can't keep on looking at the world through a straw!. This narrow way of seeing things is always going to lead you down a road of ruin. Becoming a flat earther may seem like fun for a while, but in the end you just look like a knob! I love the saying "Stop chasing pain". It gives us a glimpse of the need for more exploration, understanding and experimentation. If you went searching for books on how to get better abdominals and a stronger back, you would literally find 1000's of books on these topics. What this seemingly shows is that we have spent the information age (last quarter of the 20th century up to now) searching for answers to our woeful physically weakened existence. And guess what, we are still searching. I can't go past some of the most diabolic