Shut up and listen!


It's mostly bullshit!!

The thoughts that ruminate inside your head most of the time are lies. You get told what to eat, how to exercise, what will kill you, how you should live, and what society expects of you. Whether from good intentions or not, you follow along blindly.

You have 70,000 thoughts daily. It takes some real concerted effort to be the master of your own domain. 

Let me start with some lines from a favourite movie of mine, "The peaceful warrior".

"There's never nothing going on". "Pay attention to everything".

To truly pay attention to everything, you would have to be in control of your conscious, subconscious, superconscious and supra conscious. (Sorry to throw that idea at you. That can be another discussion)

We have a super computer inside of our heads. We are infants in a holistic machine that has infinite possibilities. No wonder we have trouble being human. It's like being put in a formula 1 racecar and expected to understand control?

So like anything in life, we must practice, learn, play and discover various forms of mastery. Like me in this blog trying to get to the point.

How do we pay attention when we are so distracted and controlled by everything out there?

To see everything at only face value. To not see the beauty in nature, to feel the energy of food, to not empathise with other humans and be able so say what you think and feel. 

The idea of memes as we know it are ideas, or communications that infiltrate our minds. They can be good or bad, serve us or not. They are ideas that become viral. They propagate and imbed themselves. If your filtering system within your body is weakened, then you become susceptible to untamed manipulation.

What does all this mean?. It suggests you have to get your health in order to truly be able to pay attention. Why is body, mind and spirit balance always talked about?

Your Hormonal system and nervous system are like decoders in your body that transform mental energy into your sensory awareness. 

Tell me what you communicate like when you are tired, poorly fed, have stress hormones' racing around your body?. This is when you are vulnerable to memetic ideas that may not serve you.

We know the social media, advertising of food, products, and non life affirming crap that now cannot be deciphered as potentially dangerous for our well-being. 

When was your last binge at a fast food takeaway?, or the excuses not to exercise, or the procrastination of study that could build a worthwhile career?. 

This is where I fall in love with learning, curiosity and knowledge transforming into wisdom.

It's time to take out the trash!

Clean out the clutter in our minds, empty ideas that don't serve us, release people in our lives that don't match our ethos, put down the fists and push our hearts into the world.

Cleansing the body with water, Flowing movements, or a fasting protocol and reducing all potentially stressful food is not my way of losing weight, it literally takes out the trash, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Teaching people Tai Chi to connect with the breathe, clear the noise, talk to every cell in the body and begin a journey of awareness.

I will teach this to people with the aim of enabling power back to them. The difference between telling someone to stop eating junk food and them coming to the realisation that continual junk food support is not good for them, their decoding systems or the planet as a whole is like night and day coaching. 

Getting stuck in the head game will never give you great habits and the control of your health you seek.

I don't care if you find the best organic supplements, or the most amazing book, or listen to the most famous guru. you will still at some stage have to find your own inner wisdom. 

Do you think the 100 trillion cells that make up your body are being conducted to by your mind?

So are you willing to be mind controlled by Kardations, Facebook, T.V, Trump, Macdonalds, or your religion? 

A healthy body allows a healthy mind. Being able to decipher a serving or non serving idea takes energy. Most people I talk to lack energy. It is the number one complaint of new clients that come to me. That is a sure sign of way too much information coming into your body without a management system. A build up of ideas, stress, and chaos.

Where do you think most disease comes from?

I have pain, I don't know what to eat, should I buy a treadmill, is this pill worth taking, why do my scales hate me??. Ahhhhhh!

It's time to shut up and listen!

It's time to tune back into life. Get out of the Matrix!

The solutions are surprisingly simple.

The basic elements can be a start:

Earth: Get your bloody shoes off and walk on dirt, grass, sand. Feel the earth. Garden, work with plants (they can teach you more than you know)

Water: Get hydrated, swim, walk in the rain, move fluidly in dance and play

Sun: Sun gaze, attract natural light, sleep when it's dark, rise with the sun.

Air: Breathing practices daily, open the lungs, sing, chant, play music.

If we can shut off our fight / flight mechanisms from being in our heads too much, long enough to pay attention and connect back to the heart, we can activate the sacred art of listening.

When you are ready, the master appears. This is an idea that I believe to be true. Conditioning yourself for the next stage or chapter in your life. This is where the information that comes to you from your attraction, behaviours and desires.

Intention and Attention are what I discuss daily when it comes to every single activity of doing.

This is mindfulness!!

Take eating your next meal as an example. What is your intention?

To kill hunger?. To get energy?. To fulfill a habit?

Step up your intentions. Come up with a better dialogue. How about: "I bring the nutrients from the plants, animal into my body with the intention of making amazing use of the energy. Using the energy to learn new things, move better, be in control of my nervous system and give service to others.

You literally eat other life forms that had their own life. Pay attention to how the food makes you feel. Pay attention to digestion, flavour, energy, comfort, mental clarity. 

We mostly eat like gluttons and sacrifice without reverence. 

Does it not make sense that this can only lead to problems!

Slow down, pay attention, show some love for your habits.

What about your next workout, walk or movements.

Play the same game. What is your intention?

Try: "I move to feel great". To grow stronger, to have fun, to connect with others, to take out the trash.

Pay attention to your body. Touch it, prod it, shake it, talk to it. 

Get off the damn bike warm-ups and hamster wheels. Move like you have loads of muscles and joints to wake up. 

What do you think the history of yoga was about. Earthing to the ground (The OG barefoot routines),

opening up joints, chakras, pointing your antennas (arms, legs) to the stars and bringing in information/ energy for your body to absorb. 

We have lost some of the magic associated with movement, strength, fitness and the likes.

So I will add the 6 foundation principles that will get you on the road to better connection:

Thoughts: Have better conversations that include building each other up. Talk to nature, play with insects and animals. 

Hydration: Drink more high quality water. The solution to pollution is dilution.

Nutrition: Start looking at what your body needs rather than following random plans. We are very individual people with biochemical and emotionally different needs.

Exercise: What are you made for?. Body type, desires, passions

Breathing: Spend time paying attention to better breathing practice. Breathe is spiritus.

Sleep: If you don't love it, you are wired for destruction. Ask your body how much rest it requires.

Let's finish with my favourite lessons from the Peaceful Warrior:

Where Are You? – Here
What Time Is It? – Now
What Are You? – This Moment!

Life is 3 Things

-Paradox – Life is a mystery don’t try to figure it out

-Humor – Keep a sense of humor especially about yourself! It is a strength beyond measure!

-Change – Know that nothing stays the same!

Have a play with these messages and see if the insights can get you to pay attention and start listening.

✏️Tony Small

Health Coach



  1. Very enlightening Tony just reading this has opened up so many new paths for me very inspired by this.
    Cheers Ricky


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