Love Tanks

A habit I started in my 30's was to find a creative way to better utilise information from books worth learning from. What good is having 100's of books on your bookshelf from some of the greatest thinkers and not implement their techniques into real life?
I came across John Gray, the author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus a long time ago. He has quite an inspirational life story if you ever wish to look that up. The book of his I got drawn to read was called How to get what you want and Want what you have. It funnily enough seemed a more attainable subject than understanding the opposite sex.
The above chart is a design I made from inspirations out of this book. I like to put my own language and teachable ideas into a usable guide for improving peoples lives. So feel free to copy, use and share this chart.
The Love Tanks. What are they?
Each tank is symbolic for a vessel of a developmental stage in our lives. I have put each tank into 7 year blocks as well as a pre-birth tank and a 56 year + tank. The idea is to keep the tanks filled up and balanced to point where you get what you want in life and appreciate the creation.
What we all desire: Happiness, Health, Passion, Authenticity, Confidence, Peace, Love.
The tanks still require topping up past the age of development. It can be easy to see where some aspects of love are forgotten or diminished. That lack of joy and pain tend to show up.
If the tank was not filled up at the developmental stage, then professional help is recommended.
Pre-Birth is the tank that depicts your universal beliefs. This is very personal. It may come from your culture, family or explored belief systems. I have a symbolic vitamin for each tank and Vitamin G1 fills the tank of pre-birth. This may come in the form of meditation, time in nature, church, or any spiritual connections.
0-7 Tank is all about parental love and support. To continue to top this tank up, emotional support networks are important such as parents, close friends and confidants. As well as these it is important to create a self support system like writing, meditation etc..
7-14 Tank is filled with Vitamin F: Family, friends and fun. I'm sure you are catching onto the idea of this.
14-21 Tank is filled with Vitamin P2. It requires support groups with like minded passions. Think sports, clubs, study etc..
21-28 Tank is filled with Vitamin S. Self support. Engaging personal values in life. Who am I? What do I do with my life?, What is really important to me?
Finding mentors as guides, looking for a meaningful way to live.
28-35 Tank is filled with Vitamin R. Relationships. Finding people who match your frequency, your values. Who are we without relating to others?
35-42 Tank is filled with Vitamin D. Dependents. Having and caring for children or other lives to some degree. Sharing joy and experiences.
42-49 Tank is filled with Vitamin C. Giving back to the community. Sharing wisdom, helping bring others up the ladder.
49-56 Tank is filled with Vitamin W. Giving to the world. Opening up to different cultures, faiths, traditions. Seeing the big picture and how we can make the world a better place.
56+ Tank is filled with Vitamin L. Life love. A gratitude to the wonderful nature of life. Building an understanding of selflessness.
So in order to use this system, we can address potential problems we may experience in life and look to the tanks that may be in need of some care.
Inject some love into your life. Make some notes as to what you could do to action a vitamin top-up.
I hope you enjoy the journey.
Health Coach
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