Pick on the Plank

I get to play devils advocate on Friday's. This is where I grab a topic or two from the fitness industry and challenge the validity, sanity, and functionality of it's theory. Of course it is coming from my opinions and never meant to offend, only to challenge an idea until it makes viable sense to keep, rearrange or discard.

This week's topic is stupid shit people do in the way of exercises to attain a better physique.

But first I'm going to back up a bit and start with a statement: 
"The way you do anything is the way you do everything". 
What this means in my business is that your general behaviours tend to show me what your ability is to transform yourself into a strong, fit healthy human being. Also your ability to train hard, stay organised with instructions, recover well and keep a positive mindset. I know it's tough, but as they say:
 "that's life"
My favourite general behaviours to watch are: Making your bed in the morning, your ability to organise a diary, your punctuality, your activity management, communication with others, and food planning.

Try this one:
"How you look after your health is how you look after your life"
I have found this to be a profound statement!. It serves as a motivator, a guide to a better life.
I have holistic tones directly in my business logo. Four circles that depict physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Exercise, Nutrition and Lifestyle. So looking after your health is multi-faceted. 
Health is your foundation. Without it you have a much smaller ability to enjoy and make the most out of life. 

Now let's plug right back in to a pet hate of mine and then tie it around the discussion thus far.

Is this really the best thing we have come up with to strengthen the most important domain of an athletic physique in the entire evolution of the human race?
We have super computers, super cars, super humans and super foods. Surely we can do better than holding a stupid position that resembles a warped coffee table, holding a stopwatch and timing how long it takes to destroy a lumbar spine. 
I have a few cases every now and then when a movement can be justified for special purposes. The plank does not really fall into most peoples requirements.
You have X amount of time each day, each week to play with strength and conditioning, so we should create movements that enhance functional bodies. 
A list of negatives I find detracting from the necessity of the plank:
- People rarely hold a great posture position
- The shearing pressure on the lumbar spine can be dramatic
- People are rarely taught correct abdominal sequencing in regards to the hold pattern
- It doesn't resemble a real life movement or scenario
- Locks up the diaphragm for optimal breathing (Trust me, this is a very bad thing!)

The thing I find really interesting is the way in which physical dysfunctions can mirror mental and emotional dysfunctions. A closed, locked posture can be associated with more depression, anxiety and rigid thinking. Have you noticed the increase in anxiety and depression?. 
What I love about movement is that it can be extremely freeing when it comes to unlocking emotional blocks when used in the right way. In my opinion exercise is like a drug. The wrong dosage or type, and the consequences can be destructive. The correct prescription and magic happens.

When people are not assessed comprehensively by so called experts and given the latest fad exercise, it just shows laziness!. We have seen physio's giving the plank to obese people with poor instruction for foot conditions. Are you kidding me!!. Did you know the swiss ball was originally called the physio ball?. If you want safe, fun core exercises start with the toy your industry designed. If you want to incorporate an age old movement sequence that can be tailored to suit every level, what about yoga?
I can give 3 basic yoga movements that can open up the shoulder girdle, incorporate the core to communicate to the hips and lengthen and strengthen all the way down to the achilles and big toe. At the same time i can incorporate rhythmic breathing, and open the posture for enhanced emotional strength. 
Is this making sense yet?

Now insert what exercise is thrown at people

So have a think about changing from exercises that are based on bullshit science, trainers egos, or the latest 8 week challenge torture and consider alternatives that actually might make you look and function beautifully.
Try Yoga, Swiss ball, Dynamic cables, gymnastics, rock lifting, wrestling.

Now to tie my original statements. If you are willing to look after yourself in a holistic balanced way, then do everything better!. Get coaching, get accountable for all areas of life, study and practice mastery. 
We live in an information age, and now is the time for putting it into action.
Be kind to your body and life!
Now go make your bed!, and think about re-designing your movements for the week.

If you need ideas, message me. I've got the drugs you need. 

Devilish rant over!

Life is short, so go and do better humans!


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