Amazing shit that really works!

I'm going to give you a handful of techniques to create a day that will change your life forever.
Following the crowd and not taking responsibility for your own life creates an inauthentic self.
The default setting of societies daily habits is not exactly exhilarating when it comes to being an amazing person fulfilling potential.
Most people have not been mentored to be bloody AMAZING!
This can lead in to my first tip:
- The five people you spend the most time with are your major influencers. Choose wisely. Put people into your circle that match your values, your passions, your DREAM!. I have never seen this to be wrong. It may take a little time to find people that match or even build you up, but I guarantee it is a game changer. Think outside the square with this idea too. You can be influenced by teachers, mentors, friends, different generations even.
The next tip is about giving grace:
- Daily gratitude. WRITE IT DOWN!. When people state that they do it in their heads, I always pose this question; "do you trust your own mind to organise these thoughts at present?". Write down 10 things you are grateful for today. then write 10 things you are grateful for that are going to happen. Keep it simple, and do it every day!
Start the day with good habits:
- Make your bed. Drink a large glass of water. Then tie one movement habit to these. Pick something that is realistic like going for a 5 minute walk, or stretching over a swiss ball, or doing my famous band opener exercise for 20 repetitions with deep breathes. Write it down and make no excuses to do it every day. YOU HAVE THE TIME!
Be organised with food:
- Know your day. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Keep a written whiteboard list in the kitchen, What is the protein for the day. Have it pre cooked or get it done in the morning before you leave the house. Do you remember having a lunchbox and an organised food day a kid?. Well now you are an adult and you should have the skills to choose healthy food to pack for the day. Don't let disorganization lead to societal junk food deciding your fate.
Have a movement plan:
- What is the exercise plan today?. Have a daily plan of attack. Is it the gym?, is it a walk, is it 10,000 steps?. Have a written weekly schedule. Have a specific place and time.
Be a dream chaser:
- Create and write down an overarching reason to do well today!. This is your dream, your mission, your legacy. If you don't know why you need to be amazing today, then you will likely sabotage yourself. Let me show you mine;
Rise above the small talk:
- Get into BIG TALK!. What I mean by this is to truly connect with some of your positive influencers. Get rid of gossip, criticism and negativity. Upregulate your IQ. It takes a lot of practice and discipline to push conversation and ideas to another level. A level that connects and plugs you into the fun part of life; the CREATION ZONE.
Check your verbal phrasing. are you a glass half empty or full communicator???
When you start to be aware of your daily conversations and language, you will notice this lemming syndrome. You copy others, you may not be speaking your truth or your authentic self.
I challenge you to spend the day observing yourself.
Make your communication a positive worthwhile experience.
Thoughts turn into words
Words turn into actions
Actions become your character
Your character becomes your destiny
Get some Dr Quiet:
- Put a little Tai Chi into your day. Just 15 minutes of a zone out habit. Find one that you will keep in your daily toolbox. Mindful stretching, yoga, breathing exercises, Qi Gong, Spa bathing, or even a power nap.
Sing and Laugh:
- Have a music playlist that is scheduled into your day. There are no excuses with the music technology these days. A morning song to inspire you, a classical song to balance the brain during the day, a rock song for the gym.
- You must create laughter daily. Memes, stand up comedy, jokes at the dinner table.
The last tip for the day is a great activity to share at the family dinner table at night.
- All share 3 things that others have done for you today
- All share 3 things that you have done for others today
- All share 3 new things you have learned today (fun facts)
Once a family member realizes how much of a lemming behaviour they have taken on, they will step up and enjoy this challenge. Don't force this activity, make it fun.
Don't be a mediocre. Work at being better. Be inspired to share knowledge.
Success comes from knowledge and then application. We all have unique skill-sets.
The world needs better thinkers and better thinkers make more loving decisions.
This is how we change the world. One day at a time.
This all may sound like a lot, but I promise you it is worth it!
If you need help, give me a holler.
Love this post Tony ! Simple things that everyone can do every day - a good one to share