Food Discipline
If You are what you eat, then what would you be?
Food is fuel, food is nutrition, food is repair, food can be a drug, food is also physically and emotionally connected.
I get people to imagine the last years food in one room. What would it look like?, how much horror does this conjure up?
So you find it hard to stick to a food plan that will set you up with the body temple you desire?
Willpower and discipline only last so long on their own.
You start by getting inspired to make a change. Maybe your work-mates or friends have decided to pull you into a new transforming diet plan. Or you have come across an online weight loss program that is guaranteed to give you the body you've always wanted. What about the local bookshop?, a line of best selling books on the latest well researched diet programs. What about a movie?, or an Instagram influencer?. I'm not saying any of these are good or bad, they just create a spark of inspiration.
I must say firstly, that I have not come across any great achievers (that inspire me) of any kind that have not put in a tonne of effort to create long term results. They will tell you, it is all about playing the long game. Laying one brick at a time and you don't stop.
I did hear a story once about an ambition gene. I have no idea whether this has any extensive research, but it can explain the speed off the starting block perhaps. There is a percentage of people that are so driven, success eventually always follows (even with bouts of failure along the way)
There are people that seem to have no drive. They really are hard work to even inspire.
The third group are in the middle. This is the largest group. Once they connect with the right formula for life, they tend to take off. These are the main group of people that will turn up to my office and know they require the coaching and a personalised formula to move forward.
So where do we go from inspiration?
How about knowing the big WHY?
The why is the reason, the carrot to lead you in the right desired direction. There may be many why's. People should not be afraid to write down as many reasons for the changes. Even write down the why not's!
Question everything!, be skeptical!, have a strong intent to make this worthwhile.
Education comes next. What I call education is in the holistic fashion. The sort of knowledge that teaches you an array of levels/ areas/ layers.
As an example, if I asked you to draw or write down the 10 most common foods you consume and then describe the relationship you have with each of these foods (sounds weird I know), how would you do?
It let's me know the way you feel about food.
whether you just have an "energy in" relationship. Or you have deep emotional connections to it. Or maybe you understand a chemistry connection with nutrients.
So this again is not necessarily right or wrong, it is just something that serves you or does not. It is my job to assess that.
After seeing a food diary, I could ask "Is this the food you are proud to fuel your greatest goals in life?"
The very first law of thermodynamics says that energy can't be created or destroyed, but it can be changed. The law forms the basis of the principle of conservation of energy. This means that anything that uses energy is changing the energy from one kind of energy to another. ... Energy just changes its form.
So reading the above law, we change foods energy into usable forms within our bodies. You get to choose what energy you put in (types of food), how much energy (calories) and then how well you use it. This will depend on the state of your physical body. How your organs, glands, tissue etc.. transform food energy into thought, movement, and creation.
Have I made what you thought to be a simple food in, food out story seem a little worrying now?
"If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything". Of course you have heard this. I like the saying: "If you don't look after your house, where are you going to live"
The thing is, if we are not taught how to look after our body temple, then there are no correct or accurate guidelines for body success. I feel this is the main problem with societies long term health problems.
Diets have a 90% failure rate long term!!
That really sucks!!.
The good news is, it is possible to succeed if you think you are worth it and are willing to put in the effort to study yourself and practice diligently.
The bad news is, it is possible to succeed if you think you are worth it and are willing to put in the effort to study yourself and practice diligently??
So with food, I can start by saying everyone has a very unique amount of requirements for nutritional needs. This explains why a one size fits all programs will fail for many. This also explains why diet zealots proclaiming the perfect way (even with best intentions) need to be kept accountable for their teachings.
I have always found a system called metabolic typing got the most results, adherence and sustainability. It takes into account certain people doing better on different macro nutrients than others.
Some populations do better on lower fat and higher carbohydrates. Other populations do better on higher protein and fat, with minimal carbohydrates. It explained genetic backgrounds and reasons for human survival in specific parts of the world over a very long time. The human genome changes extremely slowly, and therefore we tend to be suited to certain ways of eating which if radically altered in terms of diet, then ill health usually follows.
We are so mixed in genetic culture now, and we have a big complexity of human travelling and breeding. So it is never really simple to say "you are from here, eat this"
I have had clients though, who have a very strong tendency towards their genetic heritage eating style. As an example, a person with Inuit genetics, who loves living on fatty protein animal foods and feels sickly on grains, dairy and fruit. I have also worked with Asians who require a lot more carbohydrate and tend to tolerate it really well.
There is so much more to play with in the metabolic typing arena, and it is too deep for a small article.
All I can say is, it sets a foundation for my teaching.
I do use a chart that has three columns. labeled: Essential, Luxury and Crap.
This is a good place to start with finding the right food choices for you and keeping accountable for all bodily reactions.
Essential food keeps you thriving. It is the fuel that connects every system within you. It gives you the opportunity to find your optimal potential.
Now imagine just listening to one diet zealot who states that their way is the only way. That could be a Vegan plan, or a Ketogenic plan, or a Low fat diet.
They don't know you!
You can try to base a food diet on morals, or some latest research of a select population, but it is really going to be hit and miss.
What happens when you feed lions only grass?
What happens if you feed cows meat?
Do sharks eat broccoli?
Luxury food is the fun food. It has usable nutrients. It also has a high taste appeal, a visual appeal and social appeal. But you could live without it.
The wonder of being a human being.
Crap food is the category of contention. A little may not hurt you, A lot will without doubt create ill health. It has very low nutrition, high addictive ramifications and displaces the chance to eat real food.
Think fast food, junk food, big advertising budget foods.
If we are going to produce a population of stable, healthier and happy people, then we have to get to the point where we know our bodies well enough to then create the discipline.
Can we take ourselves to a place where we treat food as an amazing energy potential?. A range of nutrients that help balance hormones, turn on energy producing mechanisms to the highest degree, help lower inflammation, regulate brain chemicals, and regulate sleep patterns.
When you are tired and sick, it is hard to get motivated in life, and be a great creator.
Getting constantly exhausted physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, it takes you to a demonic place.
A society of drugs, alcohol and dramas that escalates to terrifying levels.
So I highlight the huge need for society to understand more than just calories in food. Understanding the many layers that make up this complex topic.
When the discipline time comes, then certain rituals come to mind:
Starting the day with water. Hydrating the body.
Communicating with your body as to what essential food it requires on this day.
How do you know whether to listen to the head or the heart, so to speak?
If you continually run on a fight or flight stress level, then self communication becomes difficult.
The art of calming your body and mind through movement, sound, stillness, or any morning ritual that creates a peaceful state of awareness will give you insight into your bodies needs.
You can just ask!
Your head could say: "Eat 1kg of chicken today, I need to be huge". Your heart may be saying: "I really need more vegetables today, I'm lacking nutrients". You may need a balance between both?
Having a ritual of questioning and listening to your body is a very good idea and habit to get in to.
If you have the intention of functioning at your best, then you will eventually start to understand the food language of your soul.
Try going for a morning walk in fresh air. give gratitude to your life and circumstances.
Decide why, what and how you are going to create today!
Now, what would be the best way to fuel these creations.
If you were creating a super athlete and the breakfast options were:
a) Cornflakes and milk
b) Wild venison, avocado and organic berries
c) Yogurt, berries, nuts
Which one would you choose. This has you thinking. It's called dowsing.
Give yourself options, with a reason to create something powerful. Ask your body/ mind/ heart what makes sense. You will naturally get an answer or feeling.
It can be that simple to start with.
Have a plan for the day's food. Don't let society choose your diet!. It will always be more about their profit and opinions rather than your health.
Have a plan for the entire week. Or just make sure your fridge and freezer have all the options of healthy and varied foods to choose from.
The list of rituals and habits are endless.
You should make you own, based on your love, needs, requirements, family culture.
I highly recommend studying topics regarding food health that will be worth their weight in gold:
- Organics
- Food variety
- Cuisine from around the world
- Superfoods
- Mind/ body medicine
Once you have your individialised guidelines, you can create your rituals, enforce the habits that will sustain great health and eliminate aging health problems.
Just think, if you are not feeding your dream, you are feeding your nightmare!
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