Are you happy?

Are you healthy?

Are you content?

Do you sometimes just sit and ponder the meaning of life? Do I really have a purpose? Does my life really matter? 

To contemplate aspects of Nihilism, where existence may be described as meaningless and human values are baseless, may perhaps lead you into the depths of despair. 

I do find seeing so many people in states of apathy on a regular basis quite disturbing. Apathy being the opposite of LOVE. Having a lack of love for life is a debilitating disease. 

It is not my place to delve into everyone's personal issues, I just wish to help create hope for dreamers.

One of the greatest statements I have ever heard is : 

"If your dream is big enough, you won't have time for drama and chaos"

So potentially if you are not living your own dream, you are living in others nightmares?

So get to the point Physedder boy!

I find the people that have made the effort to explore their values, create a life worth living, strive to understand purpose and choose to give back to humanity actually have better habits, and this corresponds with better health.

"The way you do anything, is the way you do everything"

I want to stop and do a bit of reverse engineering

As gym owners and health coaches, we know that if we can grab your attention for 6 months in our community, then we have a good chance to create meaningful habits that will have a flow on effect. 

Solving peoples life purpose issues takes a long time, so our service to the world is creating a healthy body-set that attracts a better mind-set, and then the dream gets attainable.

The 6,12,18 rule:

6 months of a good holistic health regime is the start of inspiration that connects you with like minded people, coaches, and also opportunities.

12 months is what I call a "save point". It really engrains good habits and will lead to a lot more contentment and happiness.

18 months of healthy habit benefits are known by all the great coaches of the world. It gives you the 5% of people in the world that succeed at most things they do. Attaining a fit body, getting that job you have always dreamt of, meeting the perfect partner, being a productive part of society.

So I ask you, if you are struggling with your dream, you have trouble getting up in the morning with inspired thoughts, and your back feels more like ancient ruins than a real performance machine. 

I have the first step for you:

Get to the gym, get a coach, ask great questions and put away the excuses!

If we can get your physiology in line with an optimal life, then we have a chance.

Better posture

Mobility, strength and length

A clear brain, with endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, melatonin (all that good stuff you hear about)

Less inflammatory body-fat 

Fit lungs

It's time to move everyday and do it with intelligence and skill

Now, I've got a few tips to get that life in order:

The first gem I learn't from the great Paul Chek. In order to find your mission, and live your dream, you must make an effort to list what it is in life that turns your crank.

There are 10 things, that if you become very clear on, will open the door to better decisions.

1) Dream to achieve? (think without limitation, what could you do)

2) What makes you feel good?

3) What gives you a sense of purpose? Fulfillment

4) Geography - Where in the world would you best function?

5) What are you passionate about? 

6) People - Describe what attributes you wish to be around

7) Values - Make a list from the heart. Values that match the best life

8) Work conditions - Think big with this- Space, busyness, team, demands...

9) Responsibilities - What suits your psyche 

10) Income - What do you really need to be happy

I really recommend writing all of these down and developing a language and creation of the best life.

A large Mind-map works a treat.

As a note, think about decisions you make. Like a job you might be looking at, a money making scheme you have looked at, a boot-camp that makes all sort of promises, that person on Tinder.

Does your decision come with a clear note of your values?, do your decisions come from a place of self-care/ self-love, and what you wish to become?

I promise you, you will get very "lucky" if you put effort into a detailed Dream.

The next tip is the very important journal:

To stay away from apathy and move towards love, can come from a sense of gratitude.

The famous Charles Poliquin drummed into us the fact that gratitude written daily was the most powerful way to reduce stress hormones.

Decorate an A5 journal and try this daily task:

1) Write something you learned that day

2) Write about what someone did for you

3) Write about what you did for someone

4) 10 thing you are grateful for 

Hand writing has the added bonus of a creative way to balance the brain and connect wholeheartedly. 

Going back to the DREAM. We all have a very special role to play in the world. Even within our family, and community. 

Your fitness is essential to a well functioning psyche/ brain, and it is imperative you provide mental stability and a life of service and joy. Every generation looks up to the last for guidance. So there is a built in dream maker in us that wants us to be AMAZING. 

I must stress this point as a Gym owner; A body that works in harmony is more important than a six pack or model like body. We must enjoy our bodies, but know that "your personal amazing" does not require you be good looking, although it does demand that you look at feeling good.

Invest in yourself

Tony Small

Health Coach


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