
Showing posts from July, 2020

Instructions and tips for an adequate day or life....maybe

Start the day with a good song. Use Spotify, or iTunes, or a CD or a tape or a Record. If all else fails, sing. Check the weather and dress accordingly. Looking outside works as well as your phone app. Make sure to have matching socks with no holes Prepare protein, vegetables and fruit for the day. You are an adult now! Check your emails  Now check your social media status for self importance credits Like at least 5 posts by people you know/ have seen/follow or you feel are more than just imaginary friends Comment unnecessarily on forums in order to keep your IQ from climbing too high. Intelligent people are just pretentious! Drink Kombucha and apple cider vinegar to cleanse your digestive system and also your soul.  Go for a walk or run today. Movement of any kind is gooood. Your expensive shoes you are wearing today are not worth the money The expensive organic coffee you have today is worth the money! Super expensive whiskey is always worth the money! Learn a new word today. Then tr

Brand yourself better

Describe yourself. Tall, short, thin, thick, muscular, white, black, quiet, loud?? There are so many ways to describe an identity. The obvious external traits are what make up the "Blink" judgement of how you see people. These are more unchangeable traits that make up who we are genetically. This is your top layer of your brand as an individual human. If you do not accept this layer, life get's really stressful. You can never be authentic if self acceptance and love of the un-changeable parts of self are not achieved.  The next layer we could call the demeanor: Posture Facial expressions Gestures Expressions Vocabulary Voice Communication Breathing Every time you enter a space, you are projecting all of the above to some degree. If you think you never need to learn anything about marketing, you may need to think again! You are marketing your very own personal brand every minute of every day. So should we always be practicing the demeanor of what we wish to project into th

Treadmills suck!

The end of the week is my devils advocate blogging time. A chance to facetiously take on a hot topic in the fitness industry.  Making you question the reasoning behind gym behaviours, and how to get the best results without falling for marketing hype bullshit. So if you are a feeling like a little bit of a snowflake today and you love your treadmill, then maybe exit stage left. If you have been at the gym for a few years or have owned a treadmill at home and your butt still resembles a miss-shaped heart then it's time to re-think your strategy! Having an upright heart shaped buttocks is actually the sign of weak Gluteal muscles, (also known as: butt, ass, derriere, keister, behind, posterior, rump, tush, or backside) This means we have no volume of Gluteus maximus, the muscle that fills out the middle and lower cheek pockets.  The upper glute area will hold extra fat if you gain weight and with a diminished lower muscle massed rump, the heart shape from a functional and visual pers

Breathing is killing you!

In the hierarchy of control, breathing is the most important thing you will do today for supporting life. Bringing in Oxygen and removing Carbon dioxide is a daily task that comes with 26,000 breathes. Oxygen helps produce your energy and is responsible for cellular functions, so if you lack the efficiency factor, you are sub-optimal. This may seem like a simple automated task, but 'I'm here to tell you how your bad habits are killing you! 75% of all illness has a big component of faulty breathing patterns.    If you have uncontrolled stress, anxiety, chronic musculoskeletal pains, digestive disorders, any visceral dysfunction, poor posture, or sleep / rest problems, then the chances are your breathing needs some serious rehabilitation. Take a really big breathe.  Notice what happens. Firstly, most people mouth breathe on inhalation and throw it straight up to the upper chest and neck. This is not your ideal primary technique. This tells me you are stuck constantly in a fight

Why your gym sucks!

Taking your shoes off at the end of the day, pulling off the winter layers of clothes and getting comfortable. This is all associated with getting rid of restrictions, and relaxing into your natural groove. You dress up for the day to fit in appropriately for your job. I'm not saying this is either good or bad, but you conform to the environment.  The question is; does this attire serve me in a positive way or negatively impact me? I'm the gym guy, so I better pull my point into alignment with today's topic. Why does your gym suck? The gym should be a place where you can exercise, EXORCISE (have a think about that one), play, learn new movements, and express.  Connection with every joint, muscle, organ, and the mind.  Let me paint a picture of the restrictions I see in the gym on our amazing potential: Fancy highlighter coloured shoes that resemble Andre Agassi back in the 90's. Supporting every nook and cranny of the foot, as if  reebok knows better than a human design