Brand yourself better

Describe yourself.
Tall, short, thin, thick, muscular, white, black, quiet, loud??
There are so many ways to describe an identity. The obvious external traits are what make up the "Blink" judgement of how you see people.
These are more unchangeable traits that make up who we are genetically. This is your top layer of your brand as an individual human. If you do not accept this layer, life get's really stressful. You can never be authentic if self acceptance and love of the un-changeable parts of self are not achieved. 

The next layer we could call the demeanor:
  • Posture
  • Facial expressions
  • Gestures
  • Expressions
  • Vocabulary
  • Voice
  • Communication
  • Breathing
Every time you enter a space, you are projecting all of the above to some degree. If you think you never need to learn anything about marketing, you may need to think again!

You are marketing your very own personal brand every minute of every day.

So should we always be practicing the demeanor of what we wish to project into the world?
That's up to you. If you don't care what people think and life is running pretty smoothly, then carry on with your persona success. 

If conflict and despair are your middle names then read on.
Or perhaps attracting more meaningful conversation, connections, and friendships is a goal?

Just like anything in life; awareness, study, practice and diligence all take energy and time.

Let's add another layer of personal brand:
  • Clothing
  • Smell
  • Jewelry
  • Possessions
We are a pretty shallow fickle society who look at the more superficial layers of a persons brand before we get to the real good stuff. Perhaps that initial blink judgement has an unconscious purpose from an evolutionary sense?

All of the possible outward projected marketing layers are important for a successful relationship with all human interaction.

So how do we maintain authenticity while playing the role required for each interaction with others?
We can start by looking at each skill, behaviour and persona.

Did you know bouncers at nightclubs are trained at picking up body language and posture.
To pick out potential threats and trouble. Also to assess weaknesses in the event of conflict.

Security personnel at airports and large gatherings of importance have the skills to pick out nervous behaviour, high adrenaline energy, potential poor or inappropriate behaviour.

Your body never lies!
You are a dead giveaway for anyone picking up at an unconscious or conscious level what your energy field is portraying. 

Sloppy posture portrays weakness
Rounded posture sells insecurity
Super rigid posture may show aggression and a strong ego.

Authentic confident posture speaks volume (I know you can visualise this one)

Where do people put their hands?. Holding an imaginary shield into the solar plexus?. A true sign of personal power issues. 

Be open to a room. What is the posture that shows openness, humility, empathy, inner strength?

Your facial expressions are a big one

How many emotions can we show very quickly and at times without self awareness?
Some people have attained certain facial expressions that can be taken as apathetic, dis-interested or even aggressively judgmental. These can be a habitual default setting and cause a world of trouble without even realising. 

The eyes are a dead giveaway!
I can tell what I call "Dogma eyes" very quickly. They are usually trying to sell some bullshit idea or product without really connecting with me. They are out for their own interest primarily. They seem lost and even disconnected with their own purpose in life.

Kind eyes of someone that really has a pure interest and is totally present in the moment is a special energy. I know you are thinking of your grandmother instantly.

What about the first words used in a conversation. Do you pause when you enter the space around other people?. Do you give yourself time to decipher the people, the energy, the timing required to communicate appropriately?.
Two ears, one mouth  technique helps us listen more. A 30 second period where you listen, observe, set your intention, then project your energy.

Always have an intention and pay attention in every situation. This will give you a great head start into a mature, non violent, productive communication. 

Fill the air with loving productive words. A long pause is better than um's, ah's, like's and un-essential babbly word fillers. 
Try one day seriously trying to work on this. It is enlightening!
Study talk show hosts, podcast masters, news presenters. Notice their brand that you could describe from their clothing, to their movement, to their voice, to their ability to listen, comprehend and also having so much fun in their communication. 

A little visual tip I give to people is imagining you are speaking to yourself. Put your face on the other people and see how you treat them. It allows you to be more of the real you. 
Don't go to war, make a peaceful presence that carries humility but is still confident.

Now decide on the words that best fit the situation. (Sounds like a bit of effort is needed to do this well)

Play with the tone of your voice, the volume, and the pitch.
Are you telling a story?
Are you trying to hold an audience?
Are you holding a conversation?
Are you required to impress someone?
Are you portraying the person and the mood you would like to be at present?

You will attract the exact behaviour, energy and communication you put out into the environment!

Like attracts like, opposites attract. Prove me wrong!

If you don't like the people around you, the attention you attract, the situations that arise, then in my opinion you really need to look in the mirror at your very own personal brand.

Learn from people that do it well.
Can you name people that you respect, admire, or carry the traits and behaviour you could model from?

If you tend to jump all over the place like a cat on a hot tin roof, then here is an analogy for you:
Imagine yourself as a battery and if you slide too far to either positive or negative to the point where you are out of control, try a neutral zone. 
Being overly polarised is a common trait for extremists. If you can handle that energy, then good for you.
Most peoples adrenals can not sustain the extreme zones like some very thick skinned politicians can.
Being in the neutral zone is controlled by mind-set. Think of well practiced meditators. Finding mind control for the self is a definite skill to be learnt. 
The basic way to start is by a slow diaphragmatic breathing pattern with the intention of guiding your energy into the flow zone (neutral zone)
This is the zone that:
  • Pays more attention
  • Listens well
  • Accesses memory and intelligence
  • Is at peace with the world

So let me summarize some good tips to take home:
  • Do some mirror work. Play with a face skill-set that has moods for success
  • Try dinner table discussions. Listen more, talk less. Slow down the race for space.
  • Keep eye contact with people more often
  • Dress each day for the activities you partake in. (you may have to ask for help)
  • Keep clean and tidy (your brand can be destroyed in one sniff or blink)
  • Play with your voice. How do you wish to be heard?
  • Sing or chant daily. Mix it up
  • Read a room before you communicate. 30 second pause
  • Check your body posture regularly (Look up charts for practice)
  • ALWAYS BE PUNTUAL! First impressions are everything, also regular impressions!
  • Use breathing to control your energy and battery 
  • Make a list of your ideal marketable brand. What can you improve upon?

So don't worry about the things you cannot change. Be authentic and bring some positive energy into every situation. If you need to re-charge your battery, then do some alone time and recoup.

A strong brand will serve you well for life. 



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