
Showing posts from August, 2020

Stop being a drama queen!

  When you are focused on your own passions, mission or legacy, you have no room or place for drama. You become the people you hang around with. You are the books you read. You are your habits.  We now have unlimited platforms for communication. It is an amazing world of information sharing like no other time in history.  I do not agree with the extremists that think eradication of cell phones, social media, internet and the likes is needed to create a sustainable planet long term. I just think with power, comes responsibility.  There is always going to be opposing views on every topic under the sun. Polarity is what drives experience. Experience fuels pressures, and pressure creates growth. In essence what I am trying to describe is a modern day Matrix! You have to see beyond the chaos, illusions and find your personal truth and peace. There has always been and always will be chaos. It is the chaos that will teach you to unravel your strengths, your weaknesses and climb the ladder of

Do the bloody reps!

  Just do the bloody reps!! The only reason you have not reached your desired realistic objective is because you lack the reps. The 10,000 hour rule is so painfully true it will put most people off actually manufacturing success.  Let me use some examples of some of the great sports athletes of all time that have been accused of just having extremely lucky genetics: Greg Norman (The shark) - Who hit more balls per day than anybody Larry Bird (Celtic basketball legend) - Who was the first to arrive at every game practicing shots all the way up to the bleachers. Tom Brady (NFL legend) - Every part of his life meticulously planned by teams of experts Travis Stevens (Master judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu) - 44 hours of workouts weekly If you really wish to see the extreme skills of human movement, look no further than Ido Portal, an Israeli movement specialist or what I would call believe it or not: the Shaolin Monk training regimes.   The list could go on and on about athletes who have achieve

Stop eating like a 5 year old

Just eat real food! It's not your birthday You are not 5 anymore Crap, non nutritious food has infiltrated our society! This easy quick cheaply produced food calls to you every day from the cabinets of cafes, supermarket shelves at eye level and all work or sport celebrations. Can we just leave this crap food for occasional moderated parties? All food still on the market has passed as non toxic on the GRAS list (generally regarded as safe) This means it has not been proven to kill us!! I agree with these standards, to the degree they are moderated.  We do not have enough studies definitively proving large combinations and volume of junk food that can kill us. Do you think just maybe this is common sense?. Large quantities of most food can present a problem. I don't really want bleat on about every food colouring, additive, artificial sweetener, or fake fat anymore. I would rather just focus more on making sense of this "everything in balance" suggestion and teach peop

Why Gymnasts are stronger than you

Have you ever tried to wrestle a farmer? Have you wondered why gymnasts look so strong? Do you want to know the secret as to why you are weak and have the metabolism that weight watchers franchise owners thrives on? You lack raw functional strength! Gyms now look more like a sales showroom than a productive strength building laboratory.  I know the treadmills have lots of shiny buttons and all the machines look like they are worth their weight in gold, but they are overbuilt and over-priced to sucker you into a non teaching workout plan that will buy more BMW's for franchise owners. I've even seen leg press machines that have automatic counters on them! I think gym machine engineers are getting paid way too much as well! I remember an experiment that was done on a professional gymnast. He was sent into the gym for the first time and was recorded for his maximum lifts on a select range of exercises. The one that stood out was a standard bench press. He was able to complete a 1 r