Stop eating like a 5 year old

Just eat real food!

It's not your birthday
You are not 5 anymore

Crap, non nutritious food has infiltrated our society!

This easy quick cheaply produced food calls to you every day from the cabinets of cafes, supermarket shelves at eye level and all work or sport celebrations.

Can we just leave this crap food for occasional moderated parties?

All food still on the market has passed as non toxic on the GRAS list (generally regarded as safe)
This means it has not been proven to kill us!!

I agree with these standards, to the degree they are moderated. 

We do not have enough studies definitively proving large combinations and volume of junk food that can kill us.
Do you think just maybe this is common sense?. Large quantities of most food can present a problem.

I don't really want bleat on about every food colouring, additive, artificial sweetener, or fake fat anymore.
I would rather just focus more on making sense of this "everything in balance" suggestion and teach people to eat like healthy sensible humans.


Very clever food scientists have found ways to manipulate food so that you want more, eat more and buy more!
All you really have to do to make people over-eat is to take nutrients out of food and add a splash of fat, sugar or salt. It preys on our hedonic behaviours and also our ancient requirement to hunt calories for survival.

So we could almost say that it is not directly the food in your lunch box that is specifically making you fat and un-healthy. 
It is the consequences to your habits, general behaviour, and gateway to more poor decisions.

This is why you get blamed and the food manufacturers are not held accountable.

Sugar tax, fat tax, junk food taxes?
I don't think this will ever take place to the extent it is needed. I really think taking self responsibility and getting the percentage of junk food out of society is up to us. 

My challenge to you is to look into your own household and make some changes.
Normal daily meals are:
Breakfast, Lunch, snacks, Dinner.
If we put real food into these meals and separated less nutritious fun party food for actual set events, then we would see the health of NZ change very quickly.

Not many people have the super skinny gene, or have the work rate of Michael Phelps.
Our obesity rates prove this.
So 99.9% of the population need to control calories and exercise at bit more consciously.

The can't stop at one syndrome is why we are all fat!

If you eat the wrong food for your requirements, then your body will give you the urge to keep on hunting.
So sugar does not make you fat or diabetic in isolation. It is your flow on behaviour that negatively effects you.
You could put any sample of processed sugar or junk food on a petri dish and do microscopic analysis 
to find absolutely no poison present. 
It is displacing the chance to eat real food, real nutrient, and the ability to control your machine!

We are destroying our health because we eat too much!

I have some crucial advice for you to listen to:
If you are not willing to measure your portions, work out your calorie requirements, measure the amount of daily protein needed to maintain your muscle mass, assess micronutrients required and be disciplined in this educated way, then I absolutely think a diet much lower in sugar, processed food and maybe one with a crazy clickbait name to it might be for you!
(Keto, paleo, vegan, carnivore etc...)
They all just make you eat less for a while. (not really magic)

So we can now go back to your standard meals and work out why you end up eating too much and still don't get enough nutrient to fight modern day diseases.


Shitty cereal, depleted milk, fibre stripped grains, processed white flour, concentrated juices.

Keep it simple. Try eggs, or oats, fruit, yoghurt, berries, nuts, seeds. 

Protein and good fats keep you satiated. 
Low nutrient foods keep you craving (you know this)


Get rid of the single slice of ham in a crap bun and create colours, a multitude of nutrient variety, and flavours that will fill you up faster to stop the continual need to keep feeding all day.

If you get the first food habits of the day on point, the chance of coming home and making better decisions is more likely.

So I will give you a list of 5 year old party food to get rid of and out of the house:
(I'll add an alternative)
  • Colourful cereals. ---------------------Home-made mix
  • White bread.-------------------------Paleo wraps
  • Muesli bars.------------------------Real fruit and nuts
  • Milk chocolate.---------------------Dark chocolate
  • Sugar drinks.-------------------------Sparkling water
  • Mini chippie bags.--------------------Carrot sticks
  • Ham and luncheon.---------------------Real meat leftovers
  • Shitty white crackers.--------------------Anything real with a crunch

I am not against treats!
I am against you having no self control, and therefore destroying your health day by day.

Decide on the person you wish to be?
Decide on the habits you want for your family.
Create an environment of health.

Hire a coach to help you get educated, put sustainable systems in place and get control of your health.

What's your first step?


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