Stop being a drama queen!


When you are focused on your own passions, mission or legacy, you have no room or place for drama.

You become the people you hang around with.

You are the books you read.

You are your habits. 

We now have unlimited platforms for communication. It is an amazing world of information sharing like no other time in history. 

I do not agree with the extremists that think eradication of cell phones, social media, internet and the likes is needed to create a sustainable planet long term. I just think with power, comes responsibility. 

There is always going to be opposing views on every topic under the sun. Polarity is what drives experience. Experience fuels pressures, and pressure creates growth. In essence what I am trying to describe is a modern day Matrix!

You have to see beyond the chaos, illusions and find your personal truth and peace.

There has always been and always will be chaos. It is the chaos that will teach you to unravel your strengths, your weaknesses and climb the ladder of life to decide what your core values are and what your ultimate legacy will be. 

Let's play with a few examples and see what happens:

I spend most days talking about getting out of modern day shoes and getting barefoot or working towards minimus footwear. If you now jump into the chaos, it will be clear how easy it is to be completely confused as to what the correct plan of action might be. The shoe clinics have one idea, the general shops have their ideas, the podiatrist has prescriptions, the naturists have opinions and every online expert has a version of research and promotion. Guess what, I have my personal ideas as a health coach too.

How much responsibility are you going to take to make the best decision for you and your family?

Here is my lesson on growing the ability to take responsibility.

(by the way; the best description of spirituality I have ever heard is: taking responsibility for everything in your life)

#1 Get healthy. If you are sick, tired, unfit, fungal, or inflamed then your ability to think clearly, follow your values, your dream or take responsibility is diminished.

Why do you think mind, body and spirit balance and growth have been attributed to less suffering?

#2 Read a lot. If you practice the improvement of the mind, then your ability to think, rationalize and comprehend a wider variety of experts and strong opinions (including all opposing information), you will develop the skill to be a deeper thinker and perhaps a free thinker.

#3 Stop going to war!. The world is not against you. Get your head out of your 4th point of contact and just be kind. Maybe try power rather than force?

So if you truly want to make a decision worthy of greatness, step up and earn it!

Even the decision as to what we should put around our foot skin (sounds like a weird topic to argue about now) is going to take some effort and work. 

Decide whether you would rather go to war with conspiracy theories (true or not) or pseudo science , or take responsibility and just be the change you wish to see?

I can recall about 5 books, multiple experts in biomechanics and rehabilitation or sports performance that led me to decide on my footwear that suits me.

I am an individual case and am willing to learn, to be wrong, corrected and educated by history, experts and then spend time experiencing the journey of discovery. This is actually an enlightening experience.

I don't get on social media groups to take down Nike or Under Armour shoes. This would be the drama game that will get you nothing but arguments and suffering with no foreseeable gain. 

I give people education to make up their own minds. I will stir, provide research, experiment, and tie decisions to long term success. 

And this is just for footwear!. There are a few other topics in life that may need attention today as well you might agree?

Take the wearing of masks to prevent the spread of Covid 19. You can agree, disagree, listen to experts on both sides, listen to talkback, watch social media hype or even follow experts trusted by the government. 

Are you healthy enough, physically, mentally emotionally and spiritually to have the best solution for the planet? I can sum up my opinion very quickly. It does not matter!. I have not got time to debate, change minds on a large scale (if I actually wanted to change minds), discuss on talkback or rally groups of people to complain. That drama is not as important to me as coaching, reading, working out, eating organic food, patting my dog, drinking red wine or updating my Spotify playlist. 

So I welcome you to my Drama chart:

The Sleepers are those that are not ready to take much responsibility for actions in life. This has to be ok. It will create life lessons for these people and examples for others to see, follow or discard.

At this level there is more suffering, more challenges pertaining to basic safety and survival tasks in life. Life will look uncontrollable, meaningless to a large degree. Life becomes about what you can accumulate, steal, own, destroy.

Have a look around the world, or your own backyard and tell me you don't see major division, super polarised opinions and some form of war?

As you, or if you realize this type of life is futile, then you will rise to a seeker. You may have periods of time where you attract better situations, teachers, mentors and have the opportunity to take more responsibility for your life.

As you rise up the scale, the inverse relationship means there are less population who think this way. Why?, because it's hard work. It's hard to be kind constantly, it's hard to think of others as all equal, to accept alternative opinions and be constantly productive not for just self gain.

And let's be honest, driving fast cars, hunting material gain, being better than others and clocking up numerous mates is a famous human past-time. Have a think about the movies you love.

A Neophyte or Padawan is a student of growth. A human willing to step up to the level of a serious positive influencer for their environment. It requires constant clear thought, the ability to communicate extremely well, continually keep up with changing trends and how they affect human growth or deny it.

In my opinion, as you climb to this level you have usually studied from wise masters of many trades and skills. This would include a whole array of holistic fields. The extent of your version of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual knowledge is very individual depending on your values and mission on earth. What I may say, is that the very intention will be based more on Love not Fear.

But remember, to know love you must know not love. Having empathy and understanding for the entire game and all it's players, knowing you have probably been or had very close relations with sleepers is worth respecting.

To be a master requires the qualities of saint. I will leave it up to you as to who you put on this list.

There have been many throughout history and continue to be at present. 

They may give us glimpses of pure authenticity. People with full control over their human faculties.

The intention is not to categorize everyone and make it seem like a negative judgement. The purpose of my drama scale is to allow growth amongst those who ask to develop themselves further. When drama takes hold of us, it does get very painful. Bad thoughts, poor actions, stressful relationships, long term behavioral deficits and blisters on our character. 

This system, I use to help people develop skills to rise up and take hold of the steering wheel. 

So if you seem to be around a lot of drama and it is taking a toll on you and your life, here is a summary of some strategies for growth:

  • Make a list of as many core values as you can muster. The activities you like, the people, the places, the vocation, the health, the big dreams. 
  • Find people to add to your circle of influence that can potentially help you live wiser.
  • Get as healthy as you can. Find a coach, and get super habits sorted.
  • Build a dream team. Whatever may help you and your dreams: Doctors, Therapists, Coaches, Mentors, Advisors, Saintly friends.
  • Think about one activity in your life that has overstayed it's welcome. Take out the trash.
  • Change one thing about your environment today. Such as cleaning a room, setting up a space for yoga, putting up a whiteboard for a values/ goals list, going to a social group to learn rather than the pub to drink?

Being more attuned to managing life and being happy is therefore about some form of mastery.

Take responsibility, find that inspiration and kill drama with continual growth and understanding.

Good luck.

Tony Small

Health Coach



  1. From a coaching for self transformation view as we travel through our different stages of human development we need to let go of things to then hang onto new things - what are your willing to let go of in order to make the change ? How can as a coach we support others to view their lives from a different viewing platform ? Where are you on the platform ? How can we each ensure we are living our true values ? How do others know we are true to ourselves ? Lots of great thinking and further discussions to be had


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