
Showing posts from 2021

A more holistic view of health

  A holistic approach means  to provide support that looks at the whole person .  The support should consider their physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. A holistic approach focusses on a person's wellness and not just their illness or condition. I have enjoyed the times in my career the most when creative story telling and symbolism has been incorporated into health lessons for life. This is why I have been open to eastern and western philosophy of health teachings. If there was an offering that has had a substantial history, success and beautifully mixed into holistic health, then count me in for the study and incorporation into my teachings.  I will try to explain the way my brain works and teachings occur. This will give you a basic understanding of the points of difference between using a general trainer and a holistic health coach. I still try to get my head around the "everything is connected" philosophy. I have always had this belief in my heart so

Fix Yo Shit! (Correct your Posture)

  You have to have perfect posture, right? Nah, it's a fallacy.  Our bodies are made to be worked. We carry our stressors literally on and in our body. Stress binds muscle fibers, distorts fascia, inflames organs, alters breathing patterns and directs mood pretty quickly. All of this is absolutely normal. Don't be afraid of discomfort, just pay attention to it. You may not realise it, but the body is very good at communicating its needs. But I must say, if your body is so distorted it is causing constant daily pain and dysfunction then you had better "fix yo shit" Every single person that gets assessed on my plumb line during a physical assessment seems to self diagnose poor posture. How do people judge this?: I'm getting a dowager's hump, I have rounded shoulders, I stoop, my bum has disappeared, my knees knock together, my feet are flat, someone told me I have a sway back. I have heard it all.  So what is Good Posture? A state of muscular and skeletal balanc

The Ultimate Gym Tick List!

  Do you wish to be be inspired towards some new training goals in your gym routine? This last 2 weeks has been a surprisingly amazing world sporting spectacle.  The Tokyo Olympics 2020 set in the future in which many predicted would not even eventuate. Fortunately the games went ahead and we have seen the worlds best athletes come together and show us the ultimate human movement potential. I think there is a lot to learn from such events.  They are the .01% talent in the fitness arena, which we should not use as a reason to discourage ourselves from being daily physical moving everyday athletes.  Instead appreciate the passion, the dedication, the discipline, the goal focused life striving for success.  This can also be your life! Let me make similarities of an Olympic athlete to us everyday movers: - You must look after your body if you wish to function without injury - You must have daily practice and discipline to perform as you say you desire - You must set regular goals to stay i

Don't Workout in the Gym!, Get inspired to train

  Why do you go to the gym? What are the expectations of a gym workout? What do you really wish to get out of a gym session? Most people know that moving more is good for us.  Most people feel that they eat too much at times and get lazy at expending calories on the other end. Now you feel motivated to get a gym membership and eradicate that laziness! So I pose the question; do you aim at maximum burn, high octane, calorific destruction and get your moneys worth? OR do you take it slowly and make sure you just to turn up and participate OR do you aim to sharpen your skills and practice movement with experienced coaches? I really do understand the mind-set of feeling the need to burn off bad habits and get maximum gains so you will finally like your body. Hunting for short term gains like the scales taking a decent dive or feeling like your lungs can now handle a flight of stairs without having a heart attack. These are a side effect of a regular gym routine for sure. But what is the re

Get Weird

  The healthiest people I Know are real weirdos! Stick with me, and I will put weird into context. This is for the conservative Boomers, the broken gen X, lost Millennials, and maybe a few Gen Z's (if they can scrape themselves off Tik Tok.  Nothing grows in a comfort zone! I like to teach people to flow in and out of that safe zone.  If you don't learn to bend you will eventually break. Hormesis; what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The paradoxical beneficial effects of low dose stressors compared to chronic relentless ass kicking stress.  From a cellular level to an extrinsic body, to relationship, to a world scale all the way to a universal scale. The powers of polarity run life as we know it. (just ask Bill Nye the science guy) This is a concept you all understand if you look at every single human experience. Look at the largest version of earthly human change. The pressure that creates diamonds so to speak. 100,000 years ago the basic animal survival needs of foo

Why Bootcamps are Bollocks!

  Let me paint the picture for you: It's been a while since you truly moved like any form of a fitness enthusiast.  General life stress has taken on a whole entity of it's own. House, mortgage, kids?, work, and now as you rise one morning to see a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, you say to yourself; this is not the body or the discomfort I dreamed of having when I was younger (or just the sound hmffff!) Then you get this spark of enthusiasm as you gulp down your first coffee of the day. Maybe I'm overweight and tired because of a boot-camp deficiency?? A local dude (lets call him Chas) is running an outdoor early morning wake me up, get my life back boot-camp. He guarantees you will lose 5kg in the first month! This sounds exactly what I need . I don't mind losing an extra hour of sleep to get up and get yelled at. I'M IN! I must say at this point, the big motivator for this whole idea for general population (gen pop) is a support group of like minded people, who