Get Weird


The healthiest people I Know are real weirdos!

Stick with me, and I will put weird into context. This is for the conservative Boomers, the broken gen X, lost Millennials, and maybe a few Gen Z's (if they can scrape themselves off Tik Tok. 

Nothing grows in a comfort zone!

I like to teach people to flow in and out of that safe zone. 

If you don't learn to bend you will eventually break.

Hormesis; what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

The paradoxical beneficial effects of low dose stressors compared to chronic relentless ass kicking stress. 

From a cellular level to an extrinsic body, to relationship, to a world scale all the way to a universal scale. The powers of polarity run life as we know it. (just ask Bill Nye the science guy)

This is a concept you all understand if you look at every single human experience.

Look at the largest version of earthly human change. The pressure that creates diamonds so to speak.

100,000 years ago the basic animal survival needs of food and shelter led to growth of the human population to now require a search for more safety. Resources, protection, tribal groups and survival from predators. Each stress of pressure through time creates a new wave of human evolution. As the ego grew psychological survival became a desire. The dominance of the sexes, the need to dominate and agriculture around 10,000 years ago produced a very different looking world. 

With more time from a agricultural world, there was more opportunity for conflict, war and disorder. So what did we create?- Ordered systems of right and wrong according to various religious beliefs. Try to give people meaning to a chaotic world.

Over the last 5000 years we have always searched for meaning. That includes you right now.

In the last 300 years humans found a more personal set of values, ideals and ways of expressing themselves. From industrialization, revolutions, scientific methods, technology, to entrepreneurialism. 

In the last 150 years we have now been striving for equality, fairness and kindness. The phenomenal growth and experiences that we have gifted ourselves have always led to more pressures (shit) that allows the growth of diamonds (flowers). It is in our nature, it will never stop and that is the force that knocks on your door every morning.


Wars, governments, and every organisation under the sun has sculpted our society to what it is now. You can be part of any group you like that fits your values according to your social network, geography and attachment to levels of human evolution. 

We have more available information than we can ever accumulate in a lifetime, we truly have the freedom to be whoever we want. Thanks humans.

I apologize for my very blunt story of human history. I just wish to point to a reality of  how certain stressors that could be judged as bad always have another side to the coin. 

Let's now bring it back to the individual and optimal health.

Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual

Why do I like people who tend to chase and induce stress to their bodies?

These people understand the growth mindset. They tend to crave learning, knowledge and have an endless mission to help humanity. Starting with themselves.

How many people do you know that seem to have very little control over their health?

Suffering will always produce an opportunity to learn and grow. One of our pressures of the current time is the good old pain doctor. Dis-ease leading to disease. When we realise that taking more control over our own well-being with guidance from professionals rather than enabling dysfunction, we may understand true happiness.

We have created a longer life expectancy, so we must travel the road of finding quality with the quantity.

The default setting is a action/ re-action to all behaviour. Our world is so busy with STUFF, THINGS, and SPOILS. We are moving from the information age into the Holism age and integration of the collective knowledge of our entire evolution.

This is where we need to get a bit weird!

If you can learn to produce the optimal stressors at the right time under your control and the guidance of experts in each field, then perhaps you could take back control of your health.

Don't let life do you, step up, get uncomfortable and take control of life.

Now. A list of the best weird behaviours that I feel have a real chance to transform your life:

Have you seen those weird shoes or those bare foot maniacs?

Don't conform to the ridiculous notion that you should support every part of your body with cushions, comfort and fashion. 

The best bodies I know are fabulous bare foot masters. Freedom of foot muscles and joints reflects a body free of restriction. Earthing is also a very well researched topic (skin touching earth)

Go loose cotton over jeans:

Being free to move with increased mobility and no restraints. The great yogis and tai chi masters have a freedom most of us do not. Function over conforming to strict clothing fashion. 

Squat more than you sit:

What can be called the 3rd world squat. The action that enables a life of no back pain, bullet proof hips and a body that mechanically lasts a lifetime. 

Are these the weird positions you balk at and think are abnormal? We now rate elderly health by being able to get up off the floor??

Breathe like a maniac or a Buddhist monk:

Extreme breathing techniques will give you the power to control every system in your body.
Chant, OHM, Tummo, Pranayama, sing, play the digeridoo. 
Adding activities such as cold treatment or hot sauna sessions are great ways to stimulate resilience. 
Would you like to rid seasonal temperature dysfunction and hormonal imbalances?
I highly recommend learning from experts.

Move like no one is judging you:
You always store issues in your tissues.
So mobilise your tissues to relieve your issues.
It takes a lot of various movements per day to optimise circulation, strengthen muscle, joints, tendons and maintain organ health. If you stay stiff and rigid, you become that in every essence of your being.
If you weaken and become unstable (you get the picture)

The healthiest people I know practice Tai, chi, yoga, strength train, move aerobically for fun and love movement.

Be willing to be that food person:
Organics, sustainable farming, protein hunter, food is medicine beliefs.

The healthiest humans I know are taught to move past labelled diet regimes and understand how to communicate with their own personal guidance system. 
Your genes, values, environment and purpose will always communicate the optimal requirements for function if you learn to listen.

Lift heavy shit:

All great thinkers were taught how to become warriors. Knowing the body and mind work together.
Don't think for a minute that being weak is good for you. Overall functional strength (meaning strength that can help in real life situations) is the number bio-marker for longevity.
You don't need to be the bodybuilders, or the power lifters or the crossfit athletes. 
Find a way to lift in a way that is sustainable for life. 
I love lifting weird stuff, weird routines with fellow weirdos. 

Get some weird creative hobbies:

Things that stimulate the creative parts of the brain:
- Music
- Artwork
- Mandalas
- Sculpting
- Nature activities
- Comedy
- Teach and tell stories

The more dramatic you dive into these activities, the more you may expand your true self.
They mitigate stress in your life, they spark intuition and make all other parts of your life more productive.

Final words:

Try not to conform to societies norms that restrict your personal growth. Walk your own truth. Be vulnerable, be passionate, don't live for others opinions. You were designed to be AMAZING!
You live in an amazing world right now. 
The way to freedom is to be a free thinker. Respect our human history and call on your fellow humans for collective support. 

So my advice is to push yourself and join the new age of healthy weirdos.

Tony Small
Health Coach


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