A more holistic view of health


A holistic approach means to provide support that looks at the whole person
The support should consider their physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. A holistic approach focusses on a person's wellness and not just their illness or condition.

I have enjoyed the times in my career the most when creative story telling and symbolism has been incorporated into health lessons for life. This is why I have been open to eastern and western philosophy of health teachings. If there was an offering that has had a substantial history, success and beautifully mixed into holistic health, then count me in for the study and incorporation into my teachings. 

I will try to explain the way my brain works and teachings occur. This will give you a basic understanding of the points of difference between using a general trainer and a holistic health coach.

I still try to get my head around the "everything is connected" philosophy. I have always had this belief in my heart so to speak. Now science is continuing to create proof of this principle.

Fascia connects muscles, organs and joints. There are slings of collective muscle working in patterns. Lymphatics regulate many other body systems. The nervous system effects every cell in your body. Breathing expertise is above all other skills you partake in for health. Mental health is connected with every physiological process in your body.

So why do we think a simple "this for that" approach is going to be good enough to get long term results in the population of increasingly unwell people.

This is why I have a 30 page questionnaire pack to give to new clients. I want to know symptoms of every system in the body and how the person perceives life. 

The real fun thing I like is the physical analysis of people. 

"Your body never lies"

I have a list of what is called low tech tests (requiring simple tools)

The first test I use is to watch people walk. Seeing a list of clues:

- Rhythm

- Postural activation

- Left/right imbalances

If you tie that in with the first chart in this blog, then there is a lot that can be followed up with testing.

More tests to check:

Pupil dilation, skin reflexes, lying to standing blood pressure, gag reflex, tendon reflexes, breathing in a relaxed position, heart rate resting to standing.

These can all help indicate any imbalance in the nervous system. Adrenal issues, thyroid problems, chronic stress conditions and even stimulant addiction.

We can hunt for areas of the body that have acute local inflammation, areas of the body that are distorted visually and parts that are numb. Many people I have worked with also have so many inflamed areas of the body it is reflecting systemic problems.

If we refer to the second chart,  I will introduce you to the self perpetuating energy cycle. Teachings I received from the famous Paul Chek always stirred me to take uncountable notes and then create charts to help understand very complex philosophies. These charts I created as teaching tools and ways to help visual learners.

The point of pre-creation comes from what is termed "Wu-Chi" in Taoism. This means emptiness or no-thing. A symbol to help with this idea could be the uncarved block. 

Creation that is yet to manifest. Once possibilities enter life as we know it, everything is formed into Tai-Chi. This is symbolized as yin yang.
Now you recognise the polarity needed for life force to work:
male/female, hot/cold, positive/negative, night/day. These are dialectics meaning they are synergistic and separate at the same time. 


The Yin Yang symbols in chart 2 sit within the 6 zones of the body and the 7th above the body.

Each zone (also know as a Chakra) and how it effects zones around it is a great way of helping describe how the body works as an integrated unit. 

Each zone is coupled with a gland, a nerve plexus and set of psychological traits. You could take the yin/ yang at a particular zone and ascertain whether it is polarised more in one direction. For example:  

Zone 1 (Base Chakra)- Pain in the lower back, hips, stressed adrenal glands, incapable of stillness, broken sleep. All of these symptoms pointing towards a life of stress pertaining to being out of balance with basic foundational health (safety and security). This would be called excess yang. Or in a way you would of heard of more commonly as fight/flight mode. 

As an example let's say someone was found to have major deficits in breathing skills (more of a shallow upper chest mouth breather) and was extremely dehydrated all of the time (minimal water intake). Living more on stimulants (coffee, sugar drinks).

I will explain how this can relate to major issues with systemic health stress and a breakdown in mental/ emotional strength and control.

Efficiently utilising oxygen is so important and usually overlooked by health professionals. Hydration is also a chronic problem a lot of people have without realising it. 

Oxygen is highly paramagnetic meaning it is like the south pole of a magnet.

Water and also the blood of the body are diamagnetic meaning they are like the north pole of a magnet.

Together oxygen and water/blood in the body create electromagnetic potential. This energy flow basically runs the body. The bodies efficiency literally relies on how you breathe and the quality of your hydration. 

This may be why even 1% dehydration will decrease body function by 10%.

When was the last time your Doctor asked you about water intake or assessed your breathing skills?

If your body perceives your basic survival is at risk it can set off a cascade of reactions in all of the zones. Especially if it is an ongoing problem.  

Welcome to symptoms all over the body and the chasing the pain game. And where there is physical dysfunction we will always have mental/emotional issues. 

 Using the holistic health model we can make a plan to re-balance zones:

Exercise, nutrition & lifestyle modifications.

Specific Tai chi / Qi gong exercises to re-balance zone (energise glands, re-build energy, breath awareness)

Integrated movement pattern design (build stability and strengthen primal patterns)

Increase clean water to help cleanse the body (the solution to pollution is dilution)

Use food as medicine (eat right for specific needs- ratios of macros, volume, quality)

Supplementation as required (specific deficiencies)

Lifestyle changes- (Coaching on purpose, passions, habits, blocks, relationships, stressors)

Obviously this is just a basic summary of the plan. Highly skilled holistic coaches are trained in all of these areas, or refer out for certain skills training. Very comprehensive plans can be made up and monitored for long term success. 

I will finish by describing the complete life energy cycle when optimal holistic health is attained:

(You may wish to take a closer look at chart 2 for this amazing cycle, as it gets quite tangled)

It starts with zone 1 -feeling safe and secure

This communicates to zone 3 turning on digestive strength and a sense of personal power

Zone 3 then communicates back to zone 2 activating sex hormones and emotional balance

Zone 2 communicates to zone 4 now allowing bonding and honest love

Zone 4 communicates to zone 6 the house of creation and inspiration

Zone 6 now unlocks zone 5 the communication of creations and action

Zone 5 communicates to the 7th, the zone for honesty and new experiences

The 7th communicates back to zone 4 (the heart chakra is energised)

Once the heart is truly energised, you finish the cycle at zone 1 completing ultimate safety.

This amazing body does have automated systems that always try to take care of you, but what we have done to our food supplies with processing and how we have stopped moving physically in recent generations is taking it's toll. Our bodies are not equipped to deal with all of the modern day stressors.

We are going to have to move back towards a holistic way of thinking if we are going to help humans thrive in this crazy modern world. 

Tony Small

Health Coach


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