Find your Super-power

You were designed to be super-human!

You somehow have been swallowed up in a world of limiting mediocrity. 

Perhaps you have compared yourself to an online mystery person that has put 10,000 hours into their known super-power. This comparison is the thief of joy and the start of all of your procrastination.

Wow!, someone super strong, or super lean, or super pretty. So what!

It's time to find your very own fitness super-power. Your super-power is a combination of your genetic potential with a helping hand from inspiration, encouragement, discipline and plenty of action.

"A labour of love is the only sustainable habit"

You were designed to move constantly

You were designed to think deeply

You were designed to be more powerful than you think. 

You were designed to be AMAZING!

Who was your favourite superhero growing up? Superman, Spiderman, Wonderwomen, Batman?

We all at some stage have dreamt of having extraordinary skills or powers. Super strength, invisibility, super speed, mind control, or immortality?

There is a fundamental inbuilt desire to be a progressively better human being. For survival, for popularity, for domination, or just for fun.

How many times do I use the phrase "Bullet proof" to reference getting stronger?. A LOT!


So let's start with genetic potential. You don't need to get too caught up in the deep rabbit hole of trying to be an olympic athlete. I'm talking more about every day people, living an extra ordinary life. What is your ancestry?, what is your body frame?, are you more like an endurance person or a sprinter?, do you migrate towards yoga or weight training?, are you a team player or a loner?.

These sought of questions can lead you to your natural super-human categories of exercise and health.

I'm the gym guy, so this is where I help you find your jam. I have seen so many gyms in my time, that I have unfortunately seen so many people come and go without truly finding their super-power. It's like being an extra in a movie and never getting to play a main role, or a back up singer that never gets front of stage. Front of stage is analogous to playing the game of full potential.

So the next stage is finding inspiration. There is no lack of platform or coaches these days to get inspired and take hold of a project for better health, fitness and longevity.

I'll use me as an example as a health coach. The average length of a trainer in the gym is 7 years before they decide Bunnings is a better option. Projects for me have been on a mini and major scale. The mini projects happen throughout a single year. This year it is extreme mobility and joint care and also setting up a podcast. Past projects have taken on: muscle growth, body composition, squat skills, foot strength (I even set up a room specifically in my gym to strengthen feet!), Tai Chi, Qi Gong, nutrition science, psychology, breathing skills, holistic coaching,.........The list is huge. 

The larger projects come through a process that most businesses learn. Approximately every 6-7 years there is a re-branding/ revamp of the business. Keeping up with the times and listening to the market.

(Even if you don't own a business, major revamps are a positive part of your life and a natural form of life changes)

So to still be in the fitness industry 25 years later we have gone through 4 major transformations. Building change, full website/brand and logo transformation, adaptation from small individual coaching services to a multi-faceted holistic gym, business partnerships, and now to creating an AMAZING longevity project.

So with the smaller projects within the year, comes the inspiration of keeping in touch with the latest trends of the fitness industry. There are amazing people I look up to and learn from. It may start with a certification opportunity, or a book or a link sent to me about a radical movement coach. (I love me some radical ideas)

This inspiration lights a new fire in my belly. The spark of interest connects with my favourite value of having FUN!.

Now the encouragement and discipline come into play. I require support. This is where you need great people in your life. My wife Jackie loves my inspired projects. We together work out how these new ideas fit and how we use it in our fitness community. 

Now once budget, time and logistics have all been sorted, it's time for action. Lots of action!

The only projects that have done well for me are the ones that have had loads of action. 

 You can't avoid the grind!

So now it's time for you..

Who have you got in your life that is willing to support your dreams, goals and projects?

What are your health passions and interests?

What would you love to do physically if there were no limits?

So here is my advice for you today:

Go and buy an A5 journal. Start by writing down random physical goals, fun movement ideas, what life would be with no pain, what your super-power would be!

Now make a list of inspired reference people or institutes. You can ask a friend or coach for ideas. 

From YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, podcasts, Websites, or books. 

This is where you design a mini project. It could be running 1 good mile, or ridding back pain so you can play with the kids, or developing more strength and fitness for that big tramp coming up later in the year. Adding grip strength to your week, designing a plan to do pullups successfully. Creating structural balance to a point where your body feels SUPER!

I could go on and on.. This is what my life as a coach is all about. Planting seeds in your brain. Then providing a safe creative environment where you can build those skills. This is when you never miss a gym day. 

These smaller projects then build into the 7 year bigger project. Think from now to 7 years ahead. What if you could be in better shape, biologically younger?, more mobile and happier.

You haven't thought this way have you!

I have written before about how unrealistic 8 week boot-camps with no long term plan or a self love/ care plan built in. Versus the 80 year plan to be AMAZING!

The thing is, lacking a project is called stagnation. Stagnation is apathy. Apathy is congealing. Congealing is rigid, immobile and disease forming. 

So what is your kryptonite?

I must admit, mine is procrastination and running into imaginary brick walls. 

This demands I ask for help and use people around me. Funnily enough there are always people lining up to help me and give up their time and energy. 

Making a list of your kryptonite is not energising your weaknesses, it will help you overcome them and find strategies with the intention to find that super-power.

I want you to read this blog and be inspired to go right now and research a new idea. 

Message us and ask for a link if you get stuck. 

Here are a few of my favourites:

- Knees over toes guy

- Paul Chek

- Kelly Starrett (becoming a supple leopard)

If your gym or club is not inspiring you, ask for assistance, hire a coach, or move to a better facility!

No excuses, take responsibility!!

We want to hear what your next project is.

Be super!!

Tony Small

Health Coach


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