Free Dumb


One of my favourite statements is "Do by day, create by night". The concept of your habits each and every day leading to the generation of all structures of the body adapting overnight to prepare for the same stressors tomorrow. 

So this could lead to thoughts on: you are what you eat, your thoughts create your reality, move it or lose it.

The ultimate force of nature is to allow us all to propagate our species. 
Whether you like this concept or not, you are in a body that wants to survive and will do what it must to keep you as high on the food chain as it can. 

Have you ever been in your car on foreign road using google maps for direction?. Then unintentionally miss your turnoff?. your car now re-routes to get you on the next best track in your direction choice. The function will keep looking for backup alternatives to get the job done.

This is similar to your body. It has the directive for species survival. If any of your behaviour conducted is against the wishes of your brain that links to this survival, it will re-route to alternative choices to try again. It will rob Peter to pay Paul so to speak. 

With each re-route there must be a trade off. Our bodies are so brilliant, that there are a huge amount of systems, mechanisms and chemical / hormonal soldiers ready to work their magic. The trade off unfortunately now messes with genetic weaknesses, and physical and psychological disturbance. The concept of balance or equilibrium is crucial for the longevity of humans, therefore paying attention to the road ahead is somewhat important don't you think. 

This story allows me to explain why people have pain. Why the body distorts, why we get fat so easily, why we have so many addictions, why anxiety and depression are so common, why happiness and success are such a struggle to produce.

They are all glitches in the matrix, from the inability to re-route without major consequences. Until about the age of 30 we seem to get quite a few 'get of jail free cards". Now your brain is continually saying "I don't trust you!". 

A lack of trust from the brain leads to the handbrake being jammed on to stop you dying too quickly.

You feel tired all the time, you have spot welds all over your body (pain spots/ tightness) that are trying to hold a distorted body together, you sleep so lightly now as if you are under continual threat and you crave more calories than you really need??

So how do we rebuild that trust? How do we free dumb?

True freedom will come when you understand the concept of "Do what you were made for".

You were not made to sit for 8 hours a day, or to eat rubbish calories continually, or to sleep less than 7 hours a night or to be unproductive and lazy. So when I use the term dumb, I refer to the brain getting distressed over non advantageous behaviour. 

If I was truly honest about how much your body is meant to move each day and with what variety, you would be astonished. This would only be a concept where you would wish to live to your full potential and severely reduce pain and dysfunction. 

So you may see some larger than life influencers on social media claiming extreme diets or lifestyle regimes have contributed to their life success. You may either ignore them? or perhaps compare yourself to them, get motivated for 5 minutes, realise it's just too hard or too radical and go back to mediocrity. 

You don't have to be vegan, carnivore, or paleo.

You don't have to do "special fat burning" workouts

You don't have to take a magical product to fix your problems

The real reason in my opinion that some of these radicals are so successful is they have hit on some very key traits that work well. 

#1 They are super passionate

#2 They have immense discipline  

#3 They have continual knowledge chasing behaviour linked to survival

So if you just look to follow people for one key mechanical concept, you will surely fail eventually. 

So perhaps the first step is to assess the dumb within us?

How much pain do I have? How much dysfunction have I built up in my body/mind? What are my chances of living to a ripe old age with a high functioning mind and body?

While I am being a little facetious, I will call the next step "Detox the dumb"

Your daily habits must change today!

- Throw out all of the unnecessary junk food that is not contributing to a healthier body. 

- Eat real food 90 percent of the time. A food plan for every meal helps considerably

- Clean your damn house, get rid of the clutter, get organised!

- Call a body-worker therapist for a muscular unwind

- Make a plan for daily exercise/ movement (and I do mean for everyday)

- You must have a support person (who are they?)

This is the big one:

Decide exactly the person you desire to be. Write it down, discuss it with a friend or partner.

Try these ideas for journaling:

- My dream is?

- My purpose in life is to...

- My gift to the world is....

- What must I do to provide service to others?

- Who will help me with my goals?

- My perfect day looks like?....

Now create a day that mirrors that image, that life.

In my experience people that have consistently good/ productive daily habits attached to a major dream are winning.

Go back to the 3 traits of winning:

Get passionate about anything (you choose)

Create discipline to activate the habits necessary to succeed (you will need support for this)

Now chase knowledge vigilantly! (Yes, freeing the dumb means hard work and study must conquer)

Get a group of friends together and instead of talking about politics or recent news stories made to conflict us, try sharing ideas on upskilling your freedom. We live in the greatest time period in history, yet we complain more than ever. We must help each other unlock our full AMAZING. 

Good luck today humans.

Tony Small

Health Coach



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