The 13 type of people that fail at fitness


I've been listening to some great fitness podcasts at the moment and got inspired by shared stories of how people struggle with fitness and what prompted gym trainers to make a change. 

At SmallWONDERS Gym we have come across many profiles of people over a span of 26 years. We  have been intrigued with finding solutions in a more holistic fashion to unlock peoples potential.

This list of behaviors/ profiles/persona's sparked a wish for me to somehow add value to solutions for all the carnage of misinformation caused by the fitness industry.

I will list each of the 13 profiles of people that perhaps fail at fitness and describe the problem along with some possible solutions.



These people hate gyms. They associate a gym with a busy, posy and overwhelming environment. They also may associate gyms with pain they dislike, find them boring, and unmotivating.  Generally this type of person was never that sporty. They may struggle with coordination, therefore find strength training and movement complexity quite a challenge. They may walk a bit and garden which is great, but know they need strength and do not make time to solve this issue.

Solutions include consulting a physical coach. Learning bare basic strength, mobility and coordination skills.15-30 minute routines are more suitable realistically. A good coach will help you find a style that you enjoy and could sustain for life. You will never be a gym junkie, so should never be treated that way. Personal training and accountability works well for these people. If classes are desired, they should be smaller teaching classes (not high octane groups)



This profile does not yet value exercise and nutrition as part of a balanced holistic long term plan.
These people fall into quick fix plans and fads. The
methods are usually extreme and a "magic pill" is normally the sales pitch that triggers action. They will tell you that certain methods have been successful but have failed to see that success is actually based on long term sustained gains. The yo yo pattern can leave these people with a rougher road after each fail. The accumulation of weight gain too fast after the initial losses create increased fat cells and now are prone to easier weight gain on every subsequent diet, making future success more difficult.

Solutions include a system of better education and habits. Being coached to a personalised journey, working through the real goals for health, realistic target bodyweight and long term manageable techniques. 



These people seek out fun group classes. The issue is outsourcing responsibility though. Without a class setting, there is no personal connection to optimal training. The problem is with people who solely do classes with no other personal workouts. Long term this leads to on/off again exercise habits. They usually do not learn enough personal movement skills from larger group setting to feel confident stepping into the gym on their own. Most group classes are not starting with personal assessments or upskilling your movements enough to reduce injuries. This leads to people stopping the weekly habit. There is a fear of working out alone in a gym. Avoiding personal movement confidence is common. 

The solution is to create a mixture of group training habits along with a personal or gym buddy type routine. Once again it is really important to hire a good coach who can teach you all the tricks for long term confidence and skillset. Social interaction and personal coaching combination is essential.



These people were once high achievers, movement wise. They were coached into extreme volumes of sport and training, which meant they were burning large amounts of calories, and food was easy to pile in while maintaining a great physique. After the sporting days end, they are now left with an inability to control calories and balance macros. Balancing any form of movement and rest is difficult. The body has some pain issues and finding a reason for being in the gym can be hard. The all or nothing saga can be very real for these people.

The solution is to re-invent a relationship with health. A new life project must be looked at. Appropriate challenges for each decade of life. Longevity is key. These people were parented by coaches of all kinds, so must find a new life/health coach to get them back in the game.



These people are intensity and volume fanatics. They love to exercise, but have no rest mode. Burning calories may be a chronic game out of control. They punish their body and think this is positive (no pain, no gain). They are prone to burnout and perhaps depression. Injuries are always lurking. They get addicted to fix-it therapists. 

The solution is to learn the importance of dosage (dosage makes the poison) Recovery must be taught and a new understanding of work hard, rest hard should be coached carefully. Usually an experienced exercise and lifestyle coach is required. Physical therapists are great to utilise complementary to your gym coaches. 



The aim is to burn calories. They may not even love the cardio. They say they do, but they do not do it consistently and use it more for quick weight loss. The adaptation destroys them, meaning that once they become fitter, the calorie burn is much less than when they started. Someone who truly loves running for example, will not give up because they burn less calories. Most of the cardio requires less thinking than strength training, so attracts the 6 week crew. Then we see the drop off and the yo yo return!! 

The solution needs to be building muscle to create a real insurance plan for body success. People must learn to be patient, put in quality gym time, make it enjoyable and play the long game. The holistic plan requires education and support around results and not fearing getting too bulky (this is a myth). A well rounded fun, sustainable gym week must be set up. 



Loves ego lifting. Continually training too heavy with shortened range of motion. They are always trying to get bigger. This leads to injuries, joint restrictions and usually a short lifespan in the gym scene. 
Insecurities in their life lead to always needing to be larger and more admired. They now lack mobility, and some may never have the beach body they want to match the size because of excess bodyfat. Dirty bulking or ego is their style.

The solution for the dirty bulker is to learn some mini-cuts. looking at other benefits to health. Working out what truly makes them feel better in life. Continuous heavy trainers require periodised programs to create a well rounded safe gym life. A solution is also teaching that mobility is longevity. The idea of control & better performance can be balanced with big strength. Small doses of stretching and mobility/ postural training should be added at a time. Selling the fact that more mobility opens the door for better strength and size gains without the injury stoppages. 

Pay a qualified coach. The science of amazing personalised training is well worth it. 



People who chase just the looks while compromising health. Aiming for unrealistic leanness, needing to be youthful forever. The goal-post keeps shifting and life becomes about being perfect, which we know is impossible. Aging will kill you emotionally. Fitness routines are not always balanced and based around function. This can lead to on/off again gym habits and very dangerous food habits.

The solution is to slowly move away from a pure beauty identity and balance with mobility and feeling great more holistically. Having strength, mobility, and healthy body composition goals can be created as a way to look and function great.



These people are indecisive. Information overload is very common from listening to loads of advice over the years.
Social media and internet advertising are smoke and mirrors, yet seem to entice this personality. They will stay in a pre-contemplation mode and end up doing nothing. Over analyzing and visiting many gyms and health studios with a try before they buy technique.

The solution is to merit the research and hand over management to a holistic one stop shop gym business. These people love the idea of education and research, so require very skilled experienced coaches that can Assess a lifestyle fully and teach them to think for themselves. 



These people are always too busy, with not enough time in the day. Going to the gym above family and business time would be too stressful. They also hate getting lectured on having a lack of discipline. It is actually more of a priority issue. 

The solution is to find what they truly value with health. What is realistic in a busy schedule? They can be taught 1 exercise per day to complete at home. They also should consider 1 personal training session per week. They will add more movement as they get inspired by results. Pointing out astonishing truth is a must. 



These people get enthused periodically. They aren't really gym junkies, and like to socialise in the gym and avoid proper program design. You could call them the ADD of exercisers. They like the idea of exercise and the benefits, but are not really in love with it or fully invested. They get good short term results, but this dwindles because of no coaching and no real periodised plan. They are now prone to injury or falling off the books. 

The solution is for some regular coaching to learn order and discipline. They must find like minded personalities to exercise with. A mix of a training buddy, a group class and some degree of coaching would work well.



These people are great at getting to the gym. They are gym junkies and seem to always have an enthusiastic outlook on health and fitness. They follow all the latest trends from social media gym influencers. The issue can be a lack of true personalisation of their fitness. Getting niggles and injuries, or lacking progress is the problem. They may also believe the amazing pictures of influencers, without knowing the true behind the scenes struggles, drug use, rare genetics or obsessive time spent on the body transformation.

The solution is to access a technical coach that is aware of current trends and has an understanding of how this gym personality functions. A monthly assessment/ program refinement is a great idea. A good coach can also recommend more qualified online experts.



Routine is their game. They tend to be very consistent which is a strength. But change is stressful and may end up with the same gym routine for 12 months. Discipline is there, but knowing how to push progress is limited. Results always stagnate so therefore never reach their potential. They are usually more introverted and do not ask for help. 

The solution is to first find a less crowded environment where they can be noticed by gym staff. Rather than pushing too hard, they can work with an understanding coach to make small changes consistently.

They actually like being taken care of and having the coach understand their personality, skill level and work together to up-skill safely. They really enjoy progress once educated.

Remember, that these are 13 types of behaviour in people that at some stage don't find ideal balance to fitness.

What types or aspects can you relate to?

You may even be a combination of these profiles. The key is to realise, it does not make you a bad person, it just highlights areas that can be managed better.

Finding a balance of what you love, what you can sustain and can also give you great results long term, is what a great health coach and holistic facility can help you with.

When it comes to a health and fitness journey, it's never about just one modality or skill. Nutrition, mental health, and social health are extremely important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

As a Holistic Gym Facility, we have learned to understand and successfully work with all of these profiles. It just takes a bit of special attention, and for 26 years we have been in this game for the right reasons. 

Tony Small

Health Coach



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