Amazing shit that really works!
I'm going to give you a handful of techniques to create a day that will change your life forever. The reason you have a bad day is because you act like a lemming. Following the crowd and not taking responsibility for your own life creates an inauthentic self. The default setting of societies daily habits is not exactly exhilarating when it comes to being an amazing person fulfilling potential. Most people have not been mentored to be bloody AMAZING! This can lead in to my first tip: The five people you spend the most time with are your major influencers. Choose wisely. Put people into your circle that match your values, your passions, your DREAM!. I have never seen this to be wrong. It may take a little time to find people that match or even build you up, but I guarantee it is a game changer. Think outside the square with this idea too. You can be influenced by teachers, mentors, friends, different generations even. The next tip is about giving grace: Daily gratitude....