
Showing posts from June, 2020

Amazing shit that really works!

I'm going to give you a handful of techniques to create a day that will change your life forever. The reason you have a bad day is because you act like a lemming.    Following the crowd and not taking responsibility for your own life creates an inauthentic self.  The default setting of societies daily habits is not exactly exhilarating when it comes to being an amazing person fulfilling potential. Most people have not been mentored to be bloody AMAZING! This can lead in to my first tip: The five people you spend the most time with are your major influencers. Choose wisely. Put people into your circle that match your values, your passions, your DREAM!. I have never seen this to be wrong. It may take a little time to find people that match or even build you up, but I guarantee it is a game changer. Think outside the square with this idea too. You can be influenced by teachers, mentors, friends, different generations even. The next tip is about giving grace: Daily gratitude....

Never leave the playground!

Have you noticed that you are a little too serious about everything as you get older? You laugh less, you are more stuck in your ways and your catalogue of movement skills looks more like the tin man at a yoga class. Rigid thinking, rigid body, and a serious lack of play. Like the tin man, maybe we need to be searching for a bit more heart to put into life? The things I really loved about learning from passionate anatomy, physiology and psychology masters, was the way they could describe all of the intricate science and then inspire through fun applicable human stories. Almost parable like, definitely comedic a lot of the time,. and always with the aim of engraining ideas that are worth remembering.  I wish to do the same thing with all of my followers and students.  Be playful with everything in life, be light-hearted. But also balance this with some form of solid foundational thought or science.  I do really think the purpose of life is to have FUN! What age were you wh...

Just get stronger!

Does it seem like you are constantly chasing pain, niggles, tightness, or a feeling of physical inadequacy? If yes, you are like most of the population. We have lost our way in terms of basic physical function. I'm not even talking about just the general population of people not moving enough. Athletes of all kinds are suffering from chronic imbalances and pain. The feeling you get when you first wake up in the morning or the discomfort you have right before you go to bed after a few hours on the couch. This is what I call the score-card of your structural health. Take us back to a time in history and think about when chronic pain was rare. Acute injury was the main concern. So what changed? EVERYTHING! We are not doing what we were designed for!. We are not moving enough, we are not moving well and we have just got lazy! What if I told you the way you move, is the way you think? Stiff rigid thinking? Mentally unstable? The body mirrors the mind and vice versa. They are inseparable...

Food Discipline

If You are what you eat, then what would you be? Food is fuel, food is nutrition, food is repair, food can be a drug, food is also physically and emotionally connected.  I get people to imagine the last years food in one room. What would it look like?, how much horror does this conjure up? So you find it hard to stick to a food plan that will set you up with the body temple you desire? Willpower and discipline only last so long on their own.  You start by getting inspired to make a change. Maybe your work-mates or friends have decided to pull you into a new transforming diet plan. Or you have come across an online weight loss program that is guaranteed to give you the body you've always wanted.  What about the local bookshop?, a line of best selling books on the latest well researched diet programs. What about a movie?, or an Instagram influencer?. I'm not saying any of these are good or bad, they just create a spark of inspiration. I must say firstly, that I have not com...

Stop Burning Calories!!!

Another week has passed. How did you spend your time? How did you spend your energy? Did you have some fun?, did you hang out with friends and family? The point I'm alluding to is ; What we do is important to us. We only have so much time, and life is really short. Wasting time can be a real problem.  The topic for this week is about time wasting in the gym.  I have been in the gym scene for over 25 years and have accumulated a whole lot of stories. I love to know what makes people tick, and what reasons we have for doing what we do. I also love seeing people achieve and maintain results that are life transforming.  One of the issues I have with the fitness industry just like the diet industry is that it is set up to make you fail. Most people don't achieve their goals and maintain them long term. Why not? You are fed lies!.  Faulty science, short term carrots, unrealistic pipe dreams, and a lack of holistic approaches.  How many people have been fed the idea th...

House of cards - Our genius body!

The body can be a very complex creature. I talk about the 100's of muscles, joints, fascial connections, and the unlimited variations of movements on a regular basis.  I want you to picture the most amazing human bodies at the peak of their craft: dancers, gymnasts, climbers, weightlifters, wrestlers. Pretty much any variation of an artful movement for survival, sport or play.  My career is built on the curiosity of movement   I can tell you what specialists in the human body arena I really respect, but prefer to refer out to. Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Orthopedic surgeons, Massage therapists, Fascial therapists, Counselors and Acupuncturists. I tend to have a list of local specialists that get the best results.  So what do I call myself? What do I Love? I am a movement coach, a general practitioner of optimal movement patterns.  I am good at taking complex problems usually caused by modern day body neglect and misunderstanding, and creating programs and e...

Love Tanks

A habit I started in my 30's was to find a creative way to better utilise information from books worth learning from. What good is having 100's of books on your bookshelf from some of the greatest thinkers and not implement their techniques into real life?  I came across John Gray, the author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus a long time ago. He has quite an inspirational life story if you ever wish to look that up. The book of his I got drawn to read was called How to get what you want and Want what you have. It funnily enough seemed a more attainable subject than understanding the opposite sex. The above chart is a design I made from inspirations out of this book. I like to put my own language and teachable ideas into a usable guide for improving peoples lives. So feel free to copy, use and share this chart. The Love Tanks. What are they?  Each tank is symbolic for a vessel of a developmental stage in our lives. I have put each tank into 7 year blocks as well as a p...

Pick on the Plank

I get to play devils advocate on Friday's. This is where I grab a topic or two from the fitness industry and challenge the validity, sanity, and functionality of it's theory. Of course it is coming from my opinions and never meant to offend, only to challenge an idea until it makes viable sense to keep, rearrange or discard. This week's topic is stupid shit people do in the way of exercises to attain a better physique. But first I'm going to back up a bit and start with a statement:  "The way you do anything is the way you do everything".  What this means in my business is that your general behaviours tend to show me what your ability is to transform yourself into a strong, fit healthy human being. Also your ability to train hard, stay organised with instructions, recover well and keep a positive mindset. I know it's tough, but as they say:  "that's life" My favourite general behaviours to watch are: Making your bed in the morning, your abili...