
The 13 type of people that fail at fitness

  I've been listening to some great fitness podcasts at the moment and got inspired by shared stories of how people struggle with fitness and what prompted gym trainers to make a change.  At SmallWONDERS Gym we have come across many profiles of people over a span of 26 years. We  have been intrigued with finding solutions in a more holistic fashion to unlock peoples potential. This list of behaviors/ profiles/persona's sparked a wish for me to somehow add value to solutions for all the carnage of misinformation caused by the fitness industry. I will list each of the 13 profiles of people that perhaps fail at fitness and describe the problem along with some possible solutions. #1 EXERCISE HATER! These people hate gyms. They associate a gym with a busy, posy and overwhelming environment. They also may associate gyms with pain they dislike, find them boring, and unmotivating.  Generally this type of person was never that sporty. They may struggle with coordination, therefore find

15 minutes a day to change your life!

A sustainably strong, fit and healthy body is the holy grail. What percentage of the population will regularly attend a gym week after week for the entirety of their physical life? I'm afraid to even write it down, so I will say the number is low. Hold back your anger towards me until after these statements are fully explained.  It is relatively easy to lose weight. It is not difficult to get fit and strong, along with adding a bit of extra muscle. The real problem is sustaining the gains (or losses) If you cut half of your calories for a month, you will without a doubt lose bodyfat. If you get regular gym resistance training into your week for a 12 week period, you will definitely get stronger and add some muscle. So with a bit of effort, the short term benefits are something you have all experienced. WINNING! right? BUT what If you cannot sustain the gains, is it truly success? The target today is physical gym habits: I really want to make this a simple message, so listen up. Let

Free Dumb

  One of my favourite statements is "Do by day, create by night". The concept of your habits each and every day leading to the generation of all structures of the body adapting overnight to prepare for the same stressors tomorrow.  So this could lead to thoughts on: you are what you eat, your thoughts create your reality, move it or lose it. The ultimate force of nature is to allow us all to propagate our species.  Whether you like this concept or not, you are in a body that wants to survive and will do what it must to keep you as high on the food chain as it can.  Have you ever been in your car on foreign road using google maps for direction?. Then unintentionally miss your turnoff?. your car now re-routes to get you on the next best track in your direction choice. The function will keep looking for backup alternatives to get the job done. This is similar to your body. It has the directive for species survival. If any of your behaviour conducted is against the wishes of your


  Are you happy? Are you healthy? Are you content? Do you sometimes just sit and ponder the meaning of life? Do I really have a purpose? Does my life really matter?  To contemplate aspects of Nihilism, where existence may be described as meaningless and human values are baseless, may perhaps lead you into the depths of despair.  I do find seeing so many people in states of apathy on a regular basis quite disturbing. Apathy being the opposite of LOVE. Having a lack of love for life is a debilitating disease.  It is not my place to delve into everyone's personal issues, I just wish to help create hope for dreamers. One of the greatest statements I have ever heard is :  "If your dream is big enough, you won't have time for drama and chaos" So potentially if you are not living your own dream, you are living in others nightmares? So get to the point Physedder boy! I find the people that have made the effort to explore their values, create a life worth living, strive to und

Find your Super-power

You were designed to be super-human! You somehow have been swallowed up in a world of limiting mediocrity.  Perhaps you have compared yourself to an online mystery person that has put 10,000 hours into their known super-power. This comparison is the thief of joy and the start of all of your procrastination. Wow!, someone super strong, or super lean, or super pretty. So what! It's time to find your very own fitness super-power. Your super-power is a combination of your genetic potential with a helping hand from inspiration, encouragement, discipline and plenty of action. "A labour of love is the only sustainable habit" You were designed to move constantly You were designed to think deeply You were designed to be more powerful than you think.  You were designed to be AMAZING! Who was your favourite superhero growing up? Superman, Spiderman, Wonderwomen, Batman? We all at some stage have dreamt of having extraordinary skills or powers. Super strength, invisibility, super spe

What the HEALTH!

  What the hell is going on in the world? My question is aimed at the very basic understanding of health. How hard can it be to exercise regularly, get outside a bit, eat fairly healthy food, catch up with friends and family and occupy a satisfying life? It's bloody hard and we all require help! Here at SmallWONDERS health facility, we are not doctors, politicians, or epidemiologists. We are PHYSEDDERS. We have been on the ground floor of health for 25 years working on the foundations of basic health and well-being. We try to stay in our lane of expertise. This lane includes: - General lifestyle coaching (stress management, goal setting, body rhythms, sleep, relationships) - Exercise therapy (rehabilitation, movement coaching, performance) - Nutrition planning (personalised plans, body composition, performance) We feel that the last few years have been super stressful and also very enlightening. Seeing peoples coping mechanisms, planning skills, health habits, communication skills

A more holistic view of health

  A holistic approach means  to provide support that looks at the whole person .  The support should consider their physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. A holistic approach focusses on a person's wellness and not just their illness or condition. I have enjoyed the times in my career the most when creative story telling and symbolism has been incorporated into health lessons for life. This is why I have been open to eastern and western philosophy of health teachings. If there was an offering that has had a substantial history, success and beautifully mixed into holistic health, then count me in for the study and incorporation into my teachings.  I will try to explain the way my brain works and teachings occur. This will give you a basic understanding of the points of difference between using a general trainer and a holistic health coach. I still try to get my head around the "everything is connected" philosophy. I have always had this belief in my heart so